Escape The Rat Race (3 Virtues To Build LEGACY)

Nov 17, 2023

99% of men are insignificant.

And they all do the same thing:

They chase fame.

They chase status.

They chase money.

They chase women.

It’s a complete rat race.

They chase all these things like a mirage in the desert, tirelessly pursuing the illusion of endless wealth and prosperity.

My brother…

Success won’t lift her skirt up for a dirty rat.

Success wants to be EARNED, not CHASED.

Most men in today’s society think, to be in the top 1%…

“I have to keep improving MYSELF!”

“I have to keep growing MY BUSINESS”

“I have to keep building MY LEGACY!”

“…& as long as I keep CHASING after it, then I’ll be in the top 1%!”

But the truth is that the MORE you TRY to be in the top 1%, the LESS you will actually be.

How does this make sense?

Because the true 1% man doesn’t even care about being the top 1%.

Let’s take a look at Jesus Christ…

Whether you believe in Christ or not—

The reality is, the dude was as 1% as a man could POSSIBLY GET!

In fact, he was more like the 0.01%!!

You can’t deny that.

Yet, let me ask you this…

When Jesus came to this earth 2,000 years ago, was He hustling for multiple streams of income?


Was He focused on getting a bunch of ladies to think He’s sexy?


Was He flexing on IG to get more followers?


His primary focus was on one thing & one thing only.


The God of the entire universe came to SERVE his people, not DEMAND them to SERVE HIM.

Yet the irony of it all—

He built the BIGGEST following of ALL TIME.

The more He focused on others, the more they followed Him.

Even 2 millenniums after his death & resurrection, His following has continued to grow & grow & grow…



While all these young men are out here trying to be MORE like their favorite rapper, musician, athlete, or influencer

Nobody can outmatch the true KING, Jesus.

…That’s the man we should be modeling our life after.

If you truly want to leave a legacy—


> It’s by GIVING MORE, like Christ did.

Don’t get me wrong—

You can be a one hit wonder or some lucky viral sensation.

But it WILL NEVER last.


Because you have to actually IMPACT peoples lives.

In the book millionaire fast lane. It says, “The more lives you impact, the more wealth you will attract.”

That’s the KEY to serious wealth.

Understanding the importance of giving value & genuinely helping people.


You don’t inspire people by showing them YOUR superpower.

You inspire people by showing them THEIR superpower.

People will say, “But Dre, I NEED money! I NEED to give my family a good life!!”

I get it.

But listen, my brother…

You have to STOP believing in the LIE that the single most important thing a man can give his family is MONEY.

That’s BS.

Yes, every man should always strive to give his family a great life

But you don’t achieve that solely by making MORE MONEY.

You have to build a solid foundation first.

Money is NOT solid ground to build anything upon.

Money is the REWARD for building good solid ground.

What is the solid ground?

  1. Service

  2. Sacrifice

  3. Selflessness.

You apply those 3 virtues to EVERYTHING you do (business, friendships, relationships, etc.)—

And watch it all flourish.

And listen…

When it comes to your family, you’ll be killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

NOT only will you be eventually making good money, but you’ll have so much more to give than just that…

You’ll have the entire ‘Winners’ package:

Warmth, Wisdom, & Wealth.

…Talk about getting in some BIG W’s'!!' 🏆

This is how you become your most powerful & masculine self.

Understand what it means to be a true KING & a man of VALUE.

And I guarantee you…

In 60 years, after all those rats get slaughtered—

You'll find yourself reclining on your final resting place, gently exhaling your last breath, departing with a little smile on your face.

Passing on more cheerfully than a man on his wedding day.



This journal entry is just scratching the surface.

My team & I will be launching a new community on the 27th that you NEED to be a part of.

If you are sick & tired of all the propaganda & diabolic media being pushed onto you.

And you feel like you have no brothers to turn to for guidance & support—

This is exactly for you.

I don’t want to give away too many details just yet, but stay on the lookout for my next couple of blogs & I’ll REVEAL a lot more.