Want To SEDUCE Her? Do THIS right now...

Nov 10, 2023

Modern dating is CLUNKY & CROOKED.

Red Pillers will SHAME a woman for sleeping around

Yet consider it a big whopping ‘L’ if they don’t get into her pants by the end of the first date.

Culture on the other hand—

Is primarily focused on SEX as well.

They’ll encourage young people to gain dating XP by ‘Sleeping around & having lots of lovers!’



How do we navigate this COMPLEX world of dating?

Easy peasy…

Approach dating like the DAYS OF OLD.

Instead of SLEEPING with her on the first date—

Approach her FATHER & ask for his PERMISSION to date.

Instead of trying to SEDUCE HER


What are some great ways to romance a woman?

Great question.

Here’s some quick ideas off the top of my head…

  1. Take her out for lunch & ask her what her favorite candy/snacks are. Once you’ve made a mental note, plan a picnic with her & make sure to get everything she mentioned.

  2. Leave her a short sweet note lying around. (e.g. ‘Can’t stop thinking of you.’)

  3. Send her a song that reminds you of her.

  4. Plan a date night but be MYSTERIOUS about it. Tell her to “wear something nice” & that’s it.

  5. And of course, as the relationship progresses you can be a little more risqué. As long as it doesn’t lead to sin. (e.g. Send her a text saying, “I can’t wait to see those beautiful nipples... *DIMPLES!!! …Sorry, stupid autocorrect!")

My brother, listen closely.

This is what MEN did for THOUSANDS of years.

We PATIENTLY waited for a good girl & then when the time came—

We took the opportunity to PROVE ourselves worthy with good ol’ OG ROMANCE.

And if the girl you’re dating calls you CRINGE & leaves you—


You dodged a BULLET.


Most BAD women WANT you to sleep with them.


Because then they got you HOOKED.

A GOOD woman, yeah she’ll DESIRE to sleep with you—

But she will PRESERVE her PURITY instead.


3 Reasons:

1. Because she holds herself to a HIGHER standard.

2. She wants to see your TRUE intentions.

3. She acknowledges that she is FIRST a child of God & that her body is God’s property before it is YOURS. (1 Cor 6:19-20)

…This is the VIRTUOUS woman you are looking for.

And yes, she is EXTREMELY RARE

But NOT EXTINCT either.

And once you have BOTH proven yourselves worthy & make a solemn vow before God to ALWAYS love one another—

Then you take it to the bedroom & let the floodgates of heaven UNLEASH. 🔥 👅  🍑 


CRUSH the modern concepts of dating & get back to TRADITION.

Follow God.

Stay on your path.

And be patient for the right girl.

THIS pathway has NEVER failed us men.