Transform Your Life In 6 Months (Become A Ghost)

Jul 09, 2023

There are 2 people you need to focus 90% of your attention on.

  1. You

  2. And the person you desire to be.

If you can do that starting right now you can drastically begin to transform your life within the next 6 months. 

Think about this…

Even if you set aside just 1 single hour a day to work on your side hustle for 6 months—That’s 182 hours of dedicated focus.

Imagine what you could build within that time frame?

Now imagine if you went complete ‘GHOST MODE’ for these next 6 months?

Spending 90% of your time solely focused on YOU & the person you not only WANT to be, but NEED to be.

Last year I took about 8 months of my life & did this exact thing.

I locked myself away & focused 90% of my time on ME.

And as a result I 4x’d my income.

I then took all my profit & invested it.

And what happened next? It multiplied.

Allowing me 10x my bank account.

But none of this would have happened if I hadn’t removed the distractions & centered my focus on 1 particular goal.

In other words, I became an ESSENTIALIST.

What’s an essentialist?

It’s basically someone who focuses NOT on getting MORE things done, but focusing on getting the RIGHT things done.

Eliminating EVERYTHING except for what is absolutely essential in this particular season of your life.

And that’s the question you gotta ask yourself…

‘What is most essential in my life right now?’

Quick Story…

Back in 2021, I remember I was spending a majority of my time getting in the best shape possible.

I was working out 2-3 hours a day in the gym.

I was also running 5-10 miles a day.

And any time I had left, I was either meal prepping, researching advice, or doing extra ‘at-home’ training.

Nothing else mattered to me during this season of my life.

Meanwhile my online business was failing & my income was drying up. 

So by the time I’d jump on my lap top, I’d be giving whatever energy I had left to my work. (Which wasn’t much)

Finally my back was against a wall.

Once my wife had to go back to work because we weren’t making enough income—This shook me up!

So I had to ask myself that tough question…

“In this season of my life, what is the most essential thing that I should be focusing on?”

In other words—‘Is hanging out & going to the gym REALLY most important?’

“Yeah sure, my body looks great.”

“But is this the defining thing that’s really going to catapult me to the next level?”

“Maybe at one time it was. But as of right now. NO.”

So I had to make some tough decisions.

Instead of spending 90% of my time hanging out at the gym, I decided to spend that 90% of my time on my business.

Doesn’t mean I just let myself go…

But instead of working out 7 days a week. I scaled it back & started working out 2 days a week.

To maintain my shape & stay healthy.

I realized, ‘working out & getting to 6% body fat.. yeah, that’s really not that important right now in my life. Making money is!’

So if you find yourself in a similar position right now, what I want you to do is this…

Take out a journal or notepad & write down these 3 questions…

And answer them with complete honesty.


Number #1

‘What is the number #1 thing in my life that I NEED to LOCK-IN & FOCUS on?’

And once you write that down, then write a list of the things that are distracting you from getting focused.

Listen brother…

What I want you to do is think of your life like a colosseum.

And that colosseum is upheld by many PILLARS.

For example…

You got your health pillar.

Physical pillar.

Financial pillar.

Relationship pillar.

Spiritual pillar.

Mental & Emotional pillars.

And so on…

And each on of those pillars are maintaining & holding up your life.

Now in order to build up each individual pillar to its strongest, you can’t saturate all your time, energy, & focus trying to build them all at once.

No, you have to hone-in on 1 particular pillar at a time. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying to neglect all the other pillars.

But what I am saying is to spend a majority of your time on 1, maybe 2 specific pillars at a time.

Until it’s built up strong!

Listen to me…

Society will always tell you to have a “healthy balance” of work, hanging out with friends, playing video games—’all to keep you in good mental health!’

And while I do understand the concept of “Balanced Living”Sometimes in life you can’t afford a “healthy balance”!

Sometimes you have to GET TO WORK & go complete ‘GHOST MODE’ for a season!

And I believe that YOU reading this right now…

You are being called to GO ALL IN.

For the next 6 months, no more balance.

Look, balance can be great. But it can also be life-threatening if applied to the wrong season of your life.

Sometimes there’s seasons of your life that call you to be completely unbalanced & all dedicated to 1 particular thing!

Think of it this way…

If you were sick and overweight and the doctors said you had 6 months to live—do you think you would worry about ‘balance’?

HELL NO. Screw balance!

You’re going to be in the gym 3 hours a day, eating nothing but organic natural food.

With that said, you may not be dying physically. But I’ll tell you what…

Your dreams are dying.

And you need to decide RIGHT NOW to DIVE ALL IN.

If you want to be a cut above the rest & build up strong pillars in your life, YOU NEED TO GET TO WORK NOW.

On the other hand—if your relationship with your girl is on the rocks, yet you still spend 4 hours a day at the gym to ‘maintain all your gains!’ …You’re a knucklehead.

Get your ass back home & start investing more time with your girl!

If all you’ve ever done is get into trouble at school & all of the sudden you want your parents to take your dreams serious… you guessed it. YOU’RE A KNUCKLEHEAD!!

Start showing parent you mean business by getting up early, taking out the trash, cleaning dishes, working out, getting good grades, etc.

This is what Essentialism is all about.

This is how the most successful people in the world operate.

Think about your favorite musician…

When he dropped that legendary album that changed your life…

Do you think during those 6 months that he was creating that album he was living a nice ‘healthy balanced life’?

100% NO.

I guarantee you he was ZONED IN, LOCKED IN, & completely FOCUSED on making the best album he could make.


Number #2

‘How can I cut costs?’

Think about this…

If you are in a sinking ship out in the middle of the sea and there’s no lifeboats.

What’s going to happen?

As the water continues to rise you’re going to panic!

And the people around you are going to panic!!

It’s going to be complete chaos!!!

So what should the goal be?

The goal should be to not only STOP the water from flowing in, but to also DRAIN the water.

If you can do that, then you can take a deep breath & start thinking more logically & focus on a plan to get out of this situation safely.

So apply this same method to your life.

For instance, when I first got married, my wife and I, my brother, & my parents, we all were struggling financially.

And just like the sinking ship, we were all panicking.

So what did we do?

We decided to move out of California & rent a big house together in Nevada & split the rent 3 ways.

Yes, it was uncomfortable.

Yes, it was irritating & we got on each others nerves.

But it allowed us to CUT COSTS and rebuild.

Now a handful of years later, we are all back up on our feet & own our own houses. 

But that wouldn’t have happened if we didn’t initially cut costs & sacrifice our comfortably by moving to Nevada & living together for a little while.


Number #3

‘What kind people am I surrounding myself with?’

I hate to say this but…

Are the people you surround yourself with poor?

And not only financially poor but mentally poor?

Listen my brother…

MOST OF THE TIME, poor people have poor mindsets.

And if they see you start to progress they will do everything in their power to hold you back.

And they’ll do this without even realizing that they’re doing this!

And not if, but WHEN you fail

Because yes, you’ll face many failures along the way…

They’ll be right there saying, “ah see I told you people like us don’t become successful!”

And these types of people will always be right, UNTIL they are wrong…

Until YOU prove them wrong!!

But the only way to PROVE them wrong is to disconnect yourself from them firstly.

Don’t get me wrong…

I’m not saying you can never speak to them again, but what I am saying is to be cautious of their negative behavior and distance yourself if you see them holding you back.

You can’t expect to become an OVERCOMER if you are surrounded by a bunch of low life, defeated, no vision losers.

If you are down & your whole inner circle is down

Down will always be your day-to-day normal.

“If the people in your life do NOT have bigger dreams for you than you do, IGNORE ALL THEIR ADVICE & stay away from them.” -Alex Hormozi

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