The Will SAVE You Decades Of Your Life...

Oct 27, 2023

If you’re feeling LOST & completely DIRECTIONLESS in life—

I want you to think about something…

Each one of us men was born with a SOLE PURPOSE. 

But by the time we turn 18, that PURPOSE will have been reshaped, redefined, & radically influenced by 3 things:


Culture will tell you what to CONSUME.

Thus turning you into a CONSUMER.

And when you become a consumer, you allow whatever you are watching, listening to, & reading to dictate your future thoughts & decisions. 

Meanwhile, you are believing the LIE that you are just ‘Doing You’ or ‘Being yourself’.

When in reality you are BEING exactly what culture has shaped you into with it’s subliminal messages.

…You got 20-year-old multi-millionaire influencers who’ll have you believing that freedom is found in status & success.

Rappers & rock stars will make you believe that fulfillment is found in women, drugs & degeneracy.

…The News will make you believe that aliens are invading & it’s a good idea to chop off your wiener & paint your fingernails black!

    —Which is even MORE influential. 

This is the people who you are surrounded by.

And whoever you are surrounded by—Their character & values will bleed into yours.

Thus turning you into their CLONE.

Doing what they are doing.

Wearing what they are wearing.

Listening to what they are listening to. Etc.

    —They are the MOST influential.

(And hopefully your parents are good parents who instilled good values in you.)

Because in most cases everyone either becomes just like their parents, or they become the exact OPPOSITE

And they strive to become everything their parents are NOT.

…Until life kicks them straight in the balls, causing them to revert back to the patterns their parents set in the home.

And so we have to be EXTREMELY aware of WHO & WHAT we allow to influence us.

Because before you know it, all of these influences will determine our deepest DESIRES.

And whatever we deeply DESIRE—Becomes our focal point.

And the sad reality is…

Most of us men are more worried about what we put on our FEET

Than what we put into our MINDS.

We’re more worried about building our STATUS

Than we are about building our SPIRIT.

We THINK things like;

“I gotta get that jacket!”

“I gotta get those shoes!” 

“I gotta become popular!”

“I gotta act cool!”

“I gotta look sexy!”

“I gotta get some tattoos!” 

…And what we don’t realize is most of these DESIRES are just mere DISTRACTIONS.

And you end up sitting in this metaphorical rocking chair

Feeling like you’re MAKING MOVES but you’re going NOWHERE.

Now I’m NOT saying all your desires AREN’T important.

But you must differentiate what’s IMPORTANT from what’s URGENT.

And so—

What I want to discuss with you today is this concept called…


It’s a principle I learned from Steven Fertick…

Life is PUSHING you in all different directions.

Everything is PUSHING you to, “Buy this, buy that!”

“Eat me! Wear me! Stream me! Like me! Look at me! Look LIKE me!”

And we’re like a ship in a bad storm getting tossed to & fro.

…It reminds me of the story in the Bible where Jesus was walking through a crowd.

And everybody was ecstatic to see him.

Everybody wanted His attention.

And within that crowd was a sick woman who had been bleeding for 12 years.

And even though no doctors could help or cure her—She knew Jesus could.

So she tries making her way through the crowd.

She starts getting closer & closer to Him.

But all she can do is reach out & hope to touch His cloak

And the Bible says, ‘while everyone was PUSHING & PRESSING against Jesus’—

All of the sudden He FELT a slight PULL.

And in an instant she was healed.


It wasn’t the PUSHING of the crowd that activated His healing power.

It was the gentle PULL of this woman.

…Now before I dive deeper into this concept,

I’ve got another quick story— 

Growing up there were many different DESIRES pressed upon me.

In other words—There was many things I watched & listened to that influenced my behavior.

Some good. Some NOT so good.

For instance...

When I was 8, I went to the shoe store with my dad.

And on the wall was a huge poster of this athlete dressed in an all-black motorcycle track suit.

But on his feet he wasn’t wearing boots.

He was wearing his signature sneakers.

And I thought he looked so cool.

And so I asked my dad, ‘Who is that guy?’

My dad said, ‘That’s Kobe Bryant.’

And within 5 seconds—My newest DESIRE was to be just like Kobe. 

And everything I did embodied him.

How I dressed.

How I talked.

And how I played the game.

(…Well maybe not how I played the game. Lol. Your boy was kinda trash.)

But then…

When I turned 12, I started watching old tapes of my dad back when he was a professional skateboarder.

And again, I was AMAZED.

And from there, everything I did began to embody skate culture.

I grew out my hair & dressed myself in old ripped up t-shirts with baggy jeans.

(…When I think about it, I probably looked more like a drug addict than a skateboarder.)


When I turned 14, I started listening to hip-hop.

And subsequently, I then wanted to become a rapper.

And once again—I embodied the rap life.

I started sagging my pants, I wore XXL T-shirts, & I didn’t go anywhere without my hat rocked sideways.

Btw, my rap name was ‘Jus flo’.

…Cuz that’s what I would do. I would ‘Just Floooow.’ (cringe AF)


These were just a couple desires that I had to name a few.

But the one DESIRE that actually STUCK, wasn’t the one that was being PUSHED upon me.

It was the one that was gently PULLING on me.

Out of all the things I could have done with my life,

God PULLED on me to start a YouTube Channel

He PULLED on me to help other men & lift them up.

He PULLED on me to share the Gospel.

And so…

Going back to the story of the bleeding woman.

When she PULLED on the cloak of Christ.

It quickly got His attention & He said, “Who touched me?”

And Peter, His disciple, replied, ‘Master, what do you mean? Everyone is crowding & pressing against you.’

But Jesus said, ‘Someone touched me; and I KNOW because that power has gone out from me.’

And He saw the woman & said, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

Listen, my brother.

It was that 1 gentle PULL that separated the woman from the crowd.

So my question for you today is;

—What is PULLING you?

NOT what is culture smothering in your FACE

NOT how your peers are pressuring you to ACT

NOT what the TV is telling you to BUY

NOT what social media is pushing you to BE

What is gently PULLING on you?

What thing is softly tugging on your heart?

The world will try to PUSH so many DESIRES onto you.

But what is the thing that God is trying to PULL out of you?

The sad reality is…

Most of us don’t even know the answer to this question.


Because we are constantly distracted by;

All the noise.

All the desires.

And all the things we are told we should acquire and accumulate.

But the older WISER you become, you realize that life is—



In other words—dropping the dead weight.



The more TIME, ENERGY, & FOCUS you begin to ACCUMULATE.

—Thus freeing up space for God to now use you & work through you.

For example... 

Eliminating time on social media = Better mental health.

Eliminating junk food in your cupboard = A better physique. 

Eliminating a messy workspace = Sharper focus & clearer headspace.

Eliminating clothes in your closet = Getting dressed quicker in the mornings.

Eliminating Perfectionism = Less anxiety & more creativity.

Eliminating the need for validation = An increase in self-worth.

Eliminating the time you spend arguing with haters = Less frustration & distraction.

(That last one was for me.)

So to commence this new journey…

Begin to narrow down your desires.

Many of us will have 5-10 new desires a day.

…You see a commercial for the latest most greatest product—‘Oh, I gotta get that!’

…Your favorite rapper be rocking all this ice—‘Oh, that would look good on me!’

…Your favorite rockstar’s wearing dresses & dying his hair wild colors—‘Oh, maybe I should do that too!’

Look, I’m NOT saying all your desires are bad.

But you NEED to recognize when they are distracting you & NOT actually serving you!

You NEED to recognize when your DESIRES are drowning out your DESTINY.

It’s insane—

The same people who will stand 3 hours in line to get the new iPhone

Are the SAME people who say that they; ‘don’t have enough time to build an online business’

They will literally spend their ENTIRE paycheck to get the newest piece of technology—

Yet say that they are; ‘broke & don’t have any money to invest into their dreams!’

…And what do they do next?

They have the nerve to sit there & blame everything & everyone for the reason why they can’t move forward in life.

When in reality they’re just RATS.

Scrambling around with all the other rats

Eating poison straight from the enemies hand.


The world is designed to distract you.

And the more distracted you are, the farther away you stray from your DESTINY.

Everyone’s so focused on what they should ADD to their life…

That they never STOP long enough to think about what they should REMOVE from their life.


Instead of thinking—‘Oh, I gotta get this, I gotta get that!’

Start thinking—‘Oh, maybe I should remove this, maybe I should remove that…’

—That’s when the MAGIC happens.

When you remove the things that are BLOCKING your BREAKTHROUGH.

Now listen to my words, brother…

I’ve created a 21-Day Program that’s unlike any other program.

In fact, everyone is saying it’s ‘An intense boot camp for your MIND!’

And that it’ll set you straight!

The reason why this program is so effective is because…

The very first thing we do on week 1 is an ELIMINATION Process.

We start removing the excess things that aren’t serving us.

In other words, we DECLUTTER—So we can make way for our breakthrough.

We remove all the debris from the track—So we can go full throttle.

…That’s the problem with most online “guru’s” & their courses...

They immediately have you tacking on all these new habits—Making you THINK this’ll be your saving grace!

But once the enthusiasm wares off, you’re back to square one.

And you never actually REMOVED the little infinitesimal things that kept you from EXCELLING!

So if you’re ready to completely TRANSFORM your life, or if you just want to get more info on what this 21-day program is all about—Click the link below.

Men from all over the world have been literally thanking me for pushing them to do this challenge.

So again, if this interests you—Don’t waste anytime.

Click this link now.