KILL Your Loser Mentality (Fix Your Mental Health)

Feb 16, 2024

What I’m about to discuss in the next few minutes is going to be incredibly HARSH & it WILL offend you.


But as a man—

You NEED to hear it.

Even if you don’t believe it & you feel like unsubscribing to me after.

All I ask is to first just HEAR ME OUT!

Now before I deeply offend you.

I need you to first REALIZE that—

The world is against you.

And it’s against me.

It’s against any man who desires to embrace his God given role.

See the real pandemic was NEVER some virus

It was the war on masculinity.

It’s been an ongoing battle to chop our balls right off.

We’ve had these blue haired feminists (AKA ‘demons’)—

Who are trying to shut us down.

Culture & Wokeism is trying to shut us down.

All these dumb diabolical Disney movies are trying to shut us down.

And for the last handful of years—The whole goal has been pro-

“Go queen!”, “Yes B*tch!”, “Show your man who’s boss!”

And men are told to just shut up & take a back seat.

And as a result, men are struggling & don’t know what the hell to do.

It’s even became a HUGE trend for men to post videos saying;

“I’ve got no friends”

“I’m depressed”

“I’m lonely”

“I’ve got nobody”

And people are commenting—

“Ah bro, you’re so brave!”

“You’re amazing king!

“You’re so strong for uploading this.”

And don’t get me wrong…

It breaks my heart.

I use to be in this position.

For YEARS, I used to pray to God—

“Father, please give me a best friend. Someone I can talk to & rely on for anything. Who I can call up & at the drop of a dime—forget everything he’s doing & just be there for me.”

And the sad reality is—

Most men feel like this.

They’re alone, addicted, frustrated.

They’ve got no brotherhood to lean on.

No father figure to pave the way.

And no role-models to follow & model themselves after.

Cuz every “successful” man they see on the internet is:

6’2 & above.

• Ridiculously handsome.


• They got a jawline that could cut glass.

• Enough money to retire 20 times over.

• And every woman is on her knees, drooling over them.

….And then we compare ourselves to these men.

We look at them & then back at the man in the mirror thinking to ourselves, “What a weasel I am”.

Making our situation even that much more dreadful & unfulfilling.

But listen, my brother…

The very WORST thing you can do as a man is lie down, succumb to your environment, & just say, “welp, this is my life…”

You have to PUSH BACK.

If you think about it—

There’s NO other option.


It’s okay to FEEL these things.

It’s okay to acknowledge your pain.

But then you’ve got to RESIST.

This is the masculine way.


There’s 4 habits you can do right now to BREAK FREE of this mental prison.

And these are habits that I practice every d*mn day without FAIL.



You will be offended.




One thing all WEAK men have in common is they have this inner monologue that says, “Nobody understands what I’m going through.”

My brother.


I’m NOT discounting or discarding your pain.

But you are NOT alone.

The pain you are going through isn’t abnormal.

You aren’t ‘1 in a million.’

You aren’t that ‘1 unlucky bastard.’

You could throw a rock & somebody WILL understand you.

To subscribe to the idea that, ‘Nobody understands me’—

This is narcissism at its finest. 

You’re basically putting yourself on this pedestal saying—

“Look at ME.”

“Nobody knows what it’s like to be ME.”

“I’m so RARE.”

“I’m one of a kind!”


Narcissism isn’t just self-admiration.

It also packages itself in self-pity.

And what most people fail to realize is—

Narcissism has TWO FACES. ✌️

  1. On one side, a narcissist screams;

I’M so amazing!”

MY life is amazing!”

“Look at everything I have!”

“Look at MY life!”

“Look at ME!

“Everyone loves ME!”

“ME, ME, ME, ME, ME!!”


  1. On the other side, a narcissist cries;

I’M so sad.”

MY life sucks.”

“Look at everything I’M going through.”

“Look at MY pain.”

“Look at ME.

“Everything is against ME.

“ME, ME, ME, ME… ME.”

…Bros be out here doing vocal warm-ups! (“Me-me-me-me-meeeee!!!”)

I got a comment today from a young man who was FURIOUS with me.

He basically said that I don’t know understand his pain & that I ‘think my advice is “one-size-fits-all’

…Which doesn’t even make sense because I’ve always said, in almost every video, that the things I talk about aren’t always ‘black & white.’

But anyways…

He went on to say—

‘He couldn’t even go to the gym anymore to take care of his mind’

‘There’s nothing he can do but wait.’

‘He’s got bad luck.’

And then he finished it off by saying—

‘Step in my shoes & I guarantee I’ll get an “Oh f*ck” out of you’

Now look…

I’m NOT mad at this comment.

I hurt for him actually.

I know first hand what confusion & frustration feels like.

I know he doesn’t think I do because all he sees is the more successful version of me.

And he’s ignorant to the understanding of what it took for me to get here.

But that’s okay.

I get comments like this all the time from 20 year olds.

They think I just floated to the to top. Lol

So many men think, “nobody understand the pain I’m going through.”

But newsflash…


Your pain ISN’T exclusive to you.

And guess what?

Nobody is willing to tell you that!

Because culture has taught us to NOT OFFEND ANYONE.

And now as a society we’ve become so AFRAID of hurting peoples feelings

So we’d rather lie to each others faces, than tell them the cold hard truth.

Bro, let me tell you something…

The times in my life when I got MOST offended—

Were the times I got the MOST GROWTH.


And I love you so much that I’m willing to put my neck on the chopping block & risk getting canceled

Just to tell you the COLD HARD TRUTH.

It’s crazy…

The world wants me to say—

“Oh it’s okay little guy.”

“You’re so brave!”

“You don’t deserve this!”

…If I were to go that route & scratch your ears & tell you what you WANT to hear—

You’ll stay stuck in this never ending loop of self-loathing.

If you want to break free of this curse, you need to be PUSHED!!

So listen up…

All of us have a story.

And it’s important NOT to waste too much time on it & move forward.


SEVER your self-inflicted SUFFERING.

Realize your THOUGHTS are just THOUGHTS.

And your FEELINGS are just FEELINGS.

Doesn’t mean you have to make them your identity.



“Nothing in nature THINKS as much as humans do.”

-Elisha Long

The grass doesn’t think


A river doesn’t think—


The sun doesn’t think—


The flowers don’t think—


The purpose of nature is:

• Action.

• Ascension.

• Progression.

And it’s us, humans, who like to F-up the whole process by OVERTHINKING.

For instance…

In Genesis, when God created the heavens & the earth & ALL that was in it—

Including Adam & Eve.

The Bible says, “God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was VERY GOOD.”

…Now in the last handful of years, culture has OVERTHOUGHT the whole creation process & claims, “It’s NOT GOOD…”

“In fact, you’ve had it wrong all along!”, they tell us.

“God didn’t create just men & women—He also created ‘she-hes’ & ‘he-shes!’”

Lol Nah bro…

God created Adam & Eve—NOT Adam & ‘Non-Binary’ STEVE.

See what happens when humans put too much emphasis on their thoughts?

It causes deception & destruction.


Men are suppose to be SIMPLE. CHILL. EASY.

Quick Story…

When I first started talking to Bre on social media, I was so scared to ask her out.

All I kept thinking was—

“What should I say?”

“How should I say it?”

“Should I even ask her out?”

“Will she even like me?”

…so for entire month, all I kept doing was DM’ing her little short messages & comments.

And guess what happened?

She got back together with her ex.

And he made her block me on social media.

And it wasn’t till almost a YEAR later that I even spoke to her again.

…I almost lost my wife for good!

Now don’t get me wrong—

I’m NOT saying to NEVER think & just make stupid decisions.

What I’m saying is to NOT overthink.

Take action!

Instead of thinking;

“Oh should I talk to this girl?”

“Should I start this business?”

“Should I start uploading YouTube videos?”



Stop storing all this ENERGY.

Instead, start putting it OUT!

So many opportunities are missed when a man overthinks.

Overthinking leads to HESITATION—

And hesitation leads to LIMITATION.



If you are confused about your purpose as a man.

Be confused no longer.


You MUST break free from the world.

Yes, you LIVE in it—

But you must not TAKE PART of it.

Think about all the reasons why you are insecure, frustrated, depressed, anxious, etc.

At the root of each problem, it’s usually connected to you NOT MEETING THE WORLD’S STANDARDS.

You see all these rich good-looking successful men & think:

“I’m not as HANDSOME as he is.”

“I’m not as TALL as he is.”

“I’m not as SMART as he is.”

“I’m not as RICH as he is.”

“I’m not as SUCCESSFUL as he is.”

And we get so FOCUSED on what everyone else is doing with their life—

That we LOSE SIGHT of what God is wanting to do with our life.


We see all these dumbass rappers & silly celebrities, & we think:

“I want to be like that!”

“I want big money & fast cars!”

“I want girls shaking their bigol’ nasty booties on me!”

“YES. This is the life!!”

And you chase these dreams that AREN’T really YOUR dreams—

They’re just DESIRES that were imposed on you through dopamine spiking entertainment & propaganda.

And you spend countless years CHASING & CHASING & CHASING.

And whether you get it or not, either way you end up UNFULFILLED.


Because all these things are just LUST OF THE FLESH.

And what exactly is LUST?

Lust is a DESIRE that is NEVER quenched.

It continues to grow like a rotting fungus.

So listen, my brother…

There’s so much freedom when you break free from THESE ‘worldly things.’

There’s so much freedom in DELETING the things that most people would call “NORMAL”, like:

DELETING Instagram.

DELETING Onlyfans.

DELETING all the degenerate songs in your gym playlist.

DELETING all the dirty images & videos saved in your phone.

DELETING all the hook-up apps.

DELETING all the booty call numbers.

DELETING everything in your life that ISN’T actually propelling you forward.

DELETING all the things that are making you more addicted.

DELETING all the things that are imposing more DESIRES on to you—

Making you CRAVE & WANT more things!


Anything that is causing you to CRAVE MORE things & WANT MORE things—

Is of the world.

This is why I follow JESUS.

What did He tell the woman at the well?

He said, “Everyone who drinks THIS water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will NEVER thirst.”

“Oh Dre, I don’t want to hear about that Jesus crap!!”

…lol Funny how whenever I talk about my faith in Christ, it always strikes a nerve.

And everyone instantly loses their mind!

Yet, if I quoted Zeus, Buddha, or even Muhammad (No disrespect to any of them.)

—All of the sudden it’s applause & dazzlement

“Oh wow Dre, that was such a powerful quote. I respect that!”

Again, no shade to anyone & their religions

I’m just saying…

Do you NOT see the spiritual warfare here?

Do you NOT see the demons come out when the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST is spoken?!

My brother.

It’s time to DESTROY these demons.

DESTROY the enemies plans that want to take YOU out.

DESTROY the things that we call “normal” & “no big deal”.

STOP being ignorant!!

This is how the enemy works!

He wants you to THINK sin isn’t a big deal.


Because then you remain complacent.

And you allow the poison to continuously flood through your mind.

You allow the fungus to grow!

Every time you say things like:

“Oh it’s just music.”

“Oh it’s just a movie”

“Oh it’s just a holiday”

“Oh it’s just a hook up”

…Remember, satan is a craftsman.

He’s been mastering his skills for thousands of years.

He knows exactly how to TRIP you up & get you frustrated.

This is why you MUST plug out of the world & plug into CHRIST.

Going back full circle…

Yeah we’re in a war against masculinity, but at the ROOT of that—

It’s a spiritual war.

Think about it…

God created us in His image, right?

And because satan hates God so much—he’s trying to do everything in his power to destroy THAT IMAGE.

…And what better way to destroy the IMAGE of God, than to have a man CHOP OFF his dick & balls & call himself a woman.

…What a better way to get a man DEFENSELESS & OFF HIS GUARD than to have him believe satan ISN’T real.



Every man needs brothers to lean into.

There’s a quote that says—

‘Show me your closest friends & I’ll show you your future.’

I think that quote can also be applied to the devices & social media we plug into

‘Show me your apps, IG feed, who you’re following, & browsing history & I’ll show you your future.’

Now imagine this…

Imagine even if you had just 1 good brother by your side to push you & encourage you?

Imagine if you met another man & he put his arm on your shoulder & said—

“Oh, you’re going through that too?”

“You struggle with this addiction as well?”

“Man, I thought I was the only one!?”

“Wow, I’m glad we understand each others pain!”

“You wanna connect everyday & push each other to be better?”

…that’s all it takes to completely transform your life.


IMO, the internet can be the most destructive weapon to a man—

Or it can BUILD his life & take him to new heights he’s NEVER been!

 …if he’s connected into the right things.

So with that said, me & my team have created a new community that you can connect into called [WakeUp,WarClub]

And no it’s NOT free.

The reason why I’m making it paid is because…

I want dudes who are FOR REAL about—

NOT just their own growth, but the growth of their fellow brothers

This isn’t some membership that allows you to chat with random strangers & steal all their KNOWLEDGE & then dip out—

It’s a brotherhood for men to trust, encourage, & confide in. 🛡️



That’s what makes our community so special.

We realize that… 

The BIG SECRET to EXPONENTIAL GROWTH is by GIVING MORE to the group than you GET.

Not only will you gain STATUS— 

But you will also GROW at a much more RAPID PACE than the average guy who’s in it ONLY for himself & his OWN growth.

This is why 99% of men watch self-improvement videos all day long & don’t do SH*T with their life.

 The 1% realize—That it’s more about SERVING than it is about BEING SERVED.

 …And our community is that 1%.

 And that’s why we will outgrow everyone else in self-improvement.



Here are some of the bonuses you get when you sign up: 

> Tune in to 2x live calls every week.

> You get instant access to 10 guides & courses. (And I will be continuously adding more videos/courses every single month.) 

> Full access to The 21-Day [WakeUp,ŌSleeper] ‘Elite’ Program.

(This program will give you INSANE results in your life)

> Private posts, vlogs, & videos from me throughout every single week. 

> Access to converse with me.

(Ask questions, advice, check in, or just say ‘wut up’ 🤙)

> Community Challenges

> Accountability Partners. (Create solid friendships & brotherhood)

> And many other exciting things I’m keeping secret for now.

Hope to see you there, my brother. 🙏

Join [WakeUp,WarClub]
