NoFap Will Destroy Your Life (Do THIS Instead)

Oct 20, 2023

This will be one of my most greatest IMPORTANT messages to you…

In recent years there has been a huge movement called NoFap.

It encourages young men to abstain from porn & masturbation.

And though it might have started off as a healthy, wholesome movement.

I believe it’s became quite the opposite.

And I would even go as far as to say it’s DESTROYING the lives of young men.

lol, I can see the comments flooding in now…

“That’s ridiculous Dre, NoFap has drastically improved my life!”

“Look at me! It’s made me a better man!”

But that’s the thing.

You think you’ve MASTERED masturbation—

But NoFap IS Masturbation!

Yes, you heard me right.

NoFap IS Masturbation.

But before I explain what I mean by that, let me tell you a

quick story…

Before I was married the best I’d EVER gone was 1 whole month of NoFap.

I remember I would try SO HARD to refrain from my sin.

And I would have these great streaks, but eventually it was just a matter of time before I’d relapse.

I’m sure you can relate.

And what happens when you relapse?

You think to yourself, “F it! I already messed up. Let me just enjoy my self & I’ll start again next week…”

And then you go on this BINGE, spilling your seed until you feel guilty enough to want to change again.

For instance

The night that I hit my 1 month streak—I remember thinking to myself, “I can’t take it anymore! I NEED a release!”

And so I think I was up till 4am in the morning just watching pron & fapping over & over again until my wiener was limp & raw.

Pretty much just making up for all the lost time.

And then I was right back in my addiction again.

I spent a whole month feeling like a ‘new man’, but then in an instant I went right back to feeling like a sinner.

…And that’s the problem with NoFap—It’s a man-made movement.

And what happens when something is man-made?

It NEVER lasts.

It may last for a moment but eventually it falls apart.

And so what NoFap is, is mans way of trying to cut corners & shortcut the process instead of doing the 1 THING that will actually CURE your addiction.


Listen, my brother…

The best way to KNOW if you are on the right track towards success—Is to ask yourself this question:

‘The plan of action that I’m on right now—Can I maintain it for the rest of my life?’

If the answer is ‘YES, I can do this till I die!’

Then great. Keep going!

If the answer is ’NO, it’s only a matter of time before I fail again.’

Then you need to change your plan of action.

You might have the right motive—but your plan of action is NOT sustainable.

And in my personal experienceNoFap just isn’t sustainable.

And I’m sure most of you can agree.

But at the same time you’re frustrated, thinking to yourself;

“Well if practicing NoFap ISN’T the solution, what is?!!”

…I tell you in just a moment.

First, you NEED to understand something…

There’s 2 things that the devil wants you to FOCUS on:

  1. Your Sin
  2. Your Good Deeds

If you focus on your SIN, what happens?

You feel guilt & shame.

You feel unworthy.

You feel emasculated.

You feel like a weasel.

And most of all, you feel yourself becoming more & more distant from God.

And then

Because you feel so low, what do you end up doing?

You then FOCUS on #2—Doing ’Good Deeds’ (e.g. Doing things like ‘NoFap’)

Because by doing good deeds, it makes us instantly feel like a man again!

…And yeah, it might work for a moment.

…You might go a few weeks feeling purposeful again.

But you & I both know deep down, it won’t last forever.

Eventually your will-power will fade & you’re going to fall short again.

And you end up in this endless cycle. 🔄 

This is what happens when you FOCUS on both your SIN & doing ‘GOOD DEEDS’.

  1. Sin makes you feel LOW.
  2. Good deeds makes you feel HIGH.

And that’s what I mean when I say—NoFap IS Masturbation.’

In fact, I would even go as far as to say—NoFap IS sinful.

lol, I can hear you already, bro…

“Woah Dre, you’re off your rocker! LMAO, WTF are you saying?!”

“How am I sinning if I’m not watching pron?”

Easy answer…

Instead of stroking your D*CK, you’re stroking your EGO.

“Look at me!”

“Look what I have done!”

“I’ve went a whole 3 months of NoFap!”

“…Oh yeah? Well I’ve went 6 months!”

“…I’ve gone an ENTIRE year!!”


…Oh yeah, bro?

Okay, you may have went a few months of NoFap.

Good job… I guess.


You still LIE.

You still GOSSIP.

You still JUDGE others.

You still ENVY.

You still LUST.

lol, a few months back on our Discord I remember I created a post saying, “I’ve gone a whole year without watching porn!”

But when I thought about it, I was like, ‘…so what?’

‘Sure, it’s been a minute since I watched it—

But there hasn’t been a day that I haven’t played back those images in my mind.

There hasn’t been a day that I haven’t had a lustful thought.’

…But obviously I didn’t mention that  in the Discord


“Because I have to keep up this facade that ‘Dre Drexler’ is conquering his sin!”


Silly of me, right?

Trying SO HARD to seem righteous in the eyes of men—When God knows I’m still just a sinner.

…A BIG one in fact!

Listen to my words, bro.


And if you think about it…

Most of our addictions are never really CURED—we just substitute them for new ones. 

I’ve heard men say; “I haven’t fapped in 10 years!”

…Yeah, but you hook up with 3 new random chicks every weekend.

Or vise versa

I’ve heard men say; “I don’t involve myself in degenerate sex.”

Yeah, but you sure as hell WATCH IT.

It’s on your favorite porn site you view every night.

It’s in the TV shows you binge.

It’s in the music you listen to.



Again, the devil wants you to IDOLIZE your SIN & your GOOD DEEDS.

Because both end in destruction.

So if you shouldn’t focus on these 2 things—What should you FOCUS on?

Phenomenal question.

And I know some will HATE this answer.

I know I’ll get thousands of unsubscribers immediately when I say this.

But it is the ONLY way…


Christ is the answer.

Jesus Christ is the one we FOCUS on.

Bent knees create breakthroughs.

…I know this sounds wild.

I know this might not make sense.

‘How can focusing on Jesus cure all my problems?’

I’ll tell you EXACTLY how.

So what have we learned so far in this video?

  1. Trying NOT to SIN, leads to exhaustion & guilt. (& you end up still a sinner.)
  2. Trying to DO GOOD, leads to pride & an inflated ego.

So I would even go as far as to say—STOP DOING GOOD! (…not really, but kinda)


No matter how great your streak is, you’re STILL a sinner in some way or another.

And if you feel like you’ve been a ‘good boy’ because you’re on some 3 month streak—that’s just your ego talking.

Many men who are on these streaks think to themselves, “I’m doing so good!”

But the Bible says in Mark 10:18ONLY God is good!

It also says, “all our righteous acts are like filthy rags” - Isaiah 64:6

Meaning—Even our greatest deeds & intentions are tainted with sin.

And what happens to sinners?

If you are believer like me—Sinners are to spend eternity in hell.

BUT… (we like big buts! Lol)

There is GOOD NEWS…



What’s The Gospel?

The Gospel is that, ‘God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son (Jesus Christ), that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.’ - John 3:16


Jesus lived a perfect life, so we didn’t have to.

He did the WORK.

He died so that we could be saved.

This is why I say, ‘NoFap is SIN.’

Because you are putting your WORKS above God.

You’re saying, ‘Jesus’s death wasn’t good enough. By my works are!’

Think about that…

When you focus on doing good deeds—You are literally taking Glory away from what Jesus did on the cross.

Rather than saying, ‘look at what Christ did!’

—You are saying, “Look at what I did!”

This is why I hate religion.

Religion spits on the cross.

Religion says, “Nah God. You AREN’T good enough. But my works are!’

But Christ says, “I did the work. You’re good. Now just focus on me.”

As men, we sit here frustrated, thinking to ourselves,

“Agghh!! I’m trying so hard not to sin!!!”


Even if it’s the smallest little sin.

Even if it was unintentional, it’s still sin—And it’s condemnable to hell!

You having 1 little second of a lustful thought is STILL as condemnable as a pedephile or rapist.

Men always get this inflated ego because they’ve been ‘trying harder!’

News flash—No one goes to heaven for TRYING HARDER.

The only way to get to heaven is by the blood Jesus shed on the cross for you

And BELIEVING in that.

Putting your faith in that.

The second you think you’re going to heaven because you were a ‘good boy’ on a good NoFap streak—you are literally making yourself an IDOL.

My brother, listen to me closely

Put your focus solely on JESUS CHRIST.

Create a relationship with Him.

And as you continue to grow in Him, guess what’s going to happen?

HE will begin to do the good works THROUGH you.

In other words…

Your ‘good works’ that you used to try SO HARD to do—Will become EFFORTLESS because it’s no longer YOU doing them—It’s Christ doing them through you.

I know this might NOT make sense for some of you new to this faith, but listen…

God LOVES you, He wants you FOCUSED on Him.

NOT on your sins & good deeds.

He wants you focused on what Christ did on the cross.

Why do you feel like you still need to conquer sin if HE already did?


Quick Story…

There was a young man who asked his pastor

“Pastor, if I want to follow Christ, do I have to STOP smoking pot?”

The pastor said, “No.”

The young man said, “I don’t think you understand what I’m saying Pastor. If I want to follow Jesus, do I have to STOP smoking MAR-I-JUANA?”

The pastor giggled & again said, “No.”

Then he continued & said, “Young man. Let me ask you a question—Do you have to get cleaned up before you take a shower?”

The young man replied, “Well no. You take a shower to get cleaned up.”

The pastor replied, “Same with Jesus.”

You don’t clean up your life to FOLLOW Jesus, you just FOLLOW Jesus & He will begin to clean you up.

Did you hear what I said?

HE will begin to clean you up.

And therefore—You don’t do good works & deeds FOR GOD.

You allow Him to do it through you.

All your job is, is to remain OPEN & be a vessel for Him to use.

But don’t twist my words…

This is NOT an excuse to sin & live for the devil’Because Jesus will just forgive me anyways!’


What I’m saying is—Whenever you do sin, it’s all good.

Just get back up & keep following Christ.


Think of it like this…

Imagine you were in a long dark tunnel.

And in this tunnel there was mud, rocks, spiders, snakes, etc.

And while you’re traversing through, you kept tripping & falling all over the place.

But up in the far distance you see a small little light signifying that there’s a way out!

What would you do?

Would you give up & lay in the dirt with the spiders & snakes?

Or would you would follow that light?

…You’d follow the light. Right?

Jesus is that light.

And no matter how many times you fall & stumble—simply get up & continue to follow the light.

…That’s how you make it out.

Look to Him.

Rest in Him.

Rest in His grace.

Rest in His love.

Whenever you sin, whenever you fall short, whenever you relapserest in His mercy.

And the more you do that—slowly but surely your heart & mind will begin to transform.

…Of course, it may not be right away.

You might not overcome your addiction in an instant.

Bro, it took me 16 years!

But God was patient with me.

And He’s STILL patient with me.

And He will be patient with you, He just wants you to come to Him first.

How GOOD does that feel?

What do you FEEL when you hear that?



Like a heavy burden was lifted from your shoulder?

I remember when I finally understood the ‘Good News’, it put the biggest SMILE on my face!

Knowing God loves me no matter what!

And even if I died right after I just committed the ‘BIGGEST’ sin, I’m covered.

Even if I relapse later today, it’s okayThat’s what Christ died for!

He knew I would do that!

I know this may sound too good to be true.

And that’s because it is.

It is too good!

…But that’s what helps us grow as men.

We grow by GRACE, not by GUILT.


Start Your Journey With Christ today.

If you want to start this new journey with Christ today—

If you want your soul to be anchored in heaven

Then I encourage you, watch this video as I take you through a quick guided prayer.

Remember, brother…

No need to count your NoFap streaks.

No need to focus on hitting Milestones.

Just STOP all that.

Stop focusing on your sin.

And stop focusing on doing good deeds.

Instead, FOCUS on Christ & He will begin the good work in you.


“Because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” -Philippians 1:5-6


Ready To TRANSFORM Your Life In The Next 21 Days?

Click the link below & join my 21-Day [WakeUp,ŌSleeper] Challenge right now.

If you can commit yourself to this challenge for the next 3 weeks, I believe your life will truly begin to take shape.

You’ll become the man you were DESTINED to be & you’ll begin to unleash exponential MOMENTUM in your life… 

You ready, my brother?

Click HERE To Begin Your 21-Day Challenge.