How To DOMINATE 2024

Jan 04, 2024

Most men who begin a new journey never actually transform their life.


Because they’re always too focused on what they should ADD to their lives—

Opposed to focusing on what they should SUBTRACT from their lives.

ADDING is easy-peasy.

SUBTRACTING takes real work.

It forces you to remove the things that feel ‘oh-so’ good.


You can’t start ADDING new habits until you REMOVE the bad ones firstly.

The problem is…

Most men think their bad habits aren’t really that bad…

So they continue to do them year after year, wondering ‘what’s the problem?’

…It’s funny, they always yell at me, “Dre you are wrong!! These habits aren’t even that bad!!”

Yet, they remain broke, broken, & constantly broken-down mentally.

…they don’t ever listen.

And they continue to live these sad miserable lives.

But NOT you.

You are ready to DOMINATE 2024.

You are ready to re-shape & re-wire your mind.

You are ready to destroy all of the beliefs & concepts that culture has smothered you with.

If this is true—

Here are 3 great ways to begin dominating your life in 2024:


1. Delete Your Rap Spotify Playlists.

It’s wild, bro…

Whenever I mention this, grown ass men always get instantly triggered.

They completely loose their 💩 .

In fact…

They start reacting like a buncha drug addicts—


or they same the same old excuse…


…always justifying, so they can keep enjoying their little modern day drug.

And they CAN’T STOP listening to it because THEY NEED IT!! IT’S TOO GOOD!!!


Now don’t get me wrong, listening to a rap song here & there… whatever.

> But all day, everyday?

> At the gym?

> In your car?

> On a run?

> While you shower?

> While you drop a dookie?

> With your kids in the car?!!

…Sounds like a druggy to me, haha.

Look bro, I know you may disagree with me on this.

And that’s okay.

But please realize this…

Most of that music is completely EVIL—

& no man who wants to live honorably should be listening to it.

Think about it…

> What kinda man listens to another man rapping about how he’s gonna steal his chick & F*CK her?

> What kinda man bobs his head to another man explicitly singing songs about willy getting slobbed on?

> What kinda man justifies listening to this diabolic nonsense while expecting God’s power to flow through him in 2024?


2. Earn Your Carbs.

Most men wake up in the morning, pour a big big bowl of oats, spread some butter on toast, whip up some eggs/bacon & down it all with a big glass of OJ.

Don’t get me wrong, that sounds great.

In fact…

This is what my cheat day sounds exactly like, haha.

But if you want to truly maximize your productivity this year & be mentally sharper than every one else—

Eat light & save your carbs till the night time.

Or better yet...

Implement intermittent fasting.

When you stay hungry for at least half of your day, you’ll notice you’ll be operating on a whole different level than most men.


3. Seek Christ.

The most important of all.

Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Think about this…

> Have you ever truly followed God’s WILL for your life?

> Have you ever actually put God first above your DESIRES?

> Have you ever dedicated an ENTIRE year to Christ & asked Him GUIDE you?

I’ll tell you this…

It’s truly AMAZING to see what God can do when you give Him your life whole-heartedly & let him take full control.

The closer you get to Him, the more His power begins to flow through you.

***Remember what this upcoming year is all about...

DENYING ourselves & SEEKING Christ.


Let's go boys! 🫡
