For 3 Months, Get ADDICTED To THESE 3 Habits...

Oct 12, 2023

One of our members in the Masculine Masterclass asked a great question:

“Hey Dre,

Next week I'm turning 23.

I've been working to apply the characteristics in this video for the next 6 months since I'm in "ghost mode" culminating in March.

I've been working to learn things like:

  1. Leadership.

  2. Communication.

  3. How to ACTUALLY have a good relationship.

  4. And masculinity of course.

Any advice on how I can truly make this season/age a meaningful & transformative one?”


 …Right away I thought of 3 things that would make this next season in any mans life “meaningful” & “transformative”.

Let’s jump into it… 



It’s one thing to CONSUME content.

 It’s another thing to CREATE content.

If you want to become RARE amongst RARE

You can’t just CHEW on the meat. 

You’ve got to hunt down, cook, & serve the meat!

Listen to me right now…

Too many men think self-improvement is about:

 Getting bigger muscles, raising status, & making a ridiculous amount of money.

…But that’s just VANITY.

True self-improvement is NOT about what you can ACQUIRE for yourself—

It’s about what you can SUPPLY to others.

When you focus on BUILDING others up, YOU naturally get BUILT UP through the process. (And at a much quicker rate I might add!)

…That’s what will separate you from the rest of the men out there on self-improvement. 

That’s what will make your RARE amongst RARE.

Too many dudes in self-improvement are becoming ‘spiritually fat.’

All they do is read books, watch influencers, listen to podcasts—But never pass the information along.

And because of all this constant content consumption, their growth eventually hits a glass ceiling.

So if you want to break through that glass ceiling, my biggest encouragement to you is:

Put yourself in that leadership position & CREATE CONTENT!!

Don’t get me wrong…

I’m NOT saying you have to be the next biggest online ‘guru’.

But don’t be afraid to build or join a community that NEEDS your mentoring.

When you're in a position that people literally NEED YOU & they can't achieve what they want without you

This NOT only puts you in a position of POWER, but also in a position of ACCOUNTABILITY.





…As you can tell, when you become a content creator, you’ve now got a certain EDGE that all other self-improvement consumers DON’T have.



Think about this…

What feeling makes a man most satisfied?


—When he feels ACCOMPLISHED. 👍

And what DESIRE does a ‘to-do’ list instill in you?


If you’ve NEVER created some sort of list that you can check off

You’re really missing out. 

Crossing off or checking a box of completed tasks


…talk about a dopamine spike!! 

The feeling of “Mission Complete”—And knowing you’ve completely DOMINATED YOUR DAY is what creates ultimate momentum.

And if you can cultivate that feeling just by creating a small ’to-do’ list—

I mean, why not!!?

IMO, I don’t know how anyone can be successful without a daily list of tasks.

If I don’t do this religiously, my day is NEVER-EVER-EVER as productive as it could have been.

The ROI on a ‘to-list’ is ridiculous.


DO NOT allow this habit to be over-looked in your own life.

Implement it into your daily routine.

Me personally, I like to write my to-do list the night before.

So I can get straight to it the next day.


Number 3. UNLEASH YOUR WRATH (…sort of)

As a man we tend to bottle up a lot of our emotion.

We hold on to feelings like anger, frustration, pain, etc.

And sometimes when the tension begins to rise—We can unleash our wrath on other people.

Which is a very DANGEROUS move.

…This is how relationships, friendships, & businesses can be destroyed in an instant.

So something I’ve tried in the past is this:

Grab a pen & journal.

And unleash your PAIN on the PAGE.

Let loose.

Let it all out!

Let the rage burn!!


Once all the fire has gone out & the smoke has disappeared…

I want you to grab that same journal.

Walk over to the mirror.

Get buck naked.

Tuck your wiener between your legs.

(…okay well maybe you don’t have to do that.)

And repeat back all those words you wrote down in your most gayest voice EVER.

And 1 of 2 things will happen…

  1. You’ll either start dying of laughter & realize how much of a little girl you were being.

  2. You’ll rip that page out of your journal & light it on fire because of how cringe you were acting.


Ready To MASTER Your Mind & Create UNWAVERING Discipline?

My brother, I’ve been on the journey of self-mastery for over a decade.

And right now I want to show you how you can achieve the same EXACT level of mastery—

But in a FRACTION of the time.

Making success absolutely INEVITABLE.

Speaking of success—

Here’s quick success story…

"Truly life-changing. The depth & knowledge is unlike anything I've seen...

Dre's really done a solid for us all." 

-Harry A.


My brother, listen to me right now.

To MASTER YOUR MIND once & for all…

We’ve identified crystal-clear frameworks that ANYONE can use to OBLITERATE their bad habits—

And replace them, NOT just with ‘good habits’—But a NEW IDENTITY to uphold those good habits.


If you want to know more, click the link below.

If not, no worries at all, & I’ll talk to you in my next entry.
