Every Man MUST Master THIS...

Sep 25, 2023

Being a male is a matter of BIRTH.

But being a man is a matter of CHOICE.

Now this may sound extremely unconventional—But the very best advantage about being a male, is that you are born with zero value.

And YOU get to choose what type of man you want to be.

This is YOUR character.

And it’s up to you how he will be built.

Most men don’t understand this power that they possess.

They don’t recognize that it’s the small micro decisions that compound.

What they do & what they consume on daily basis.

This generation of men, most of them are NPC’s.

Aimlessly wondering.

Mindlessly consuming.

& lifelessly existing.

They are completely disengaged.

Constantly plugged into something or someone else.


Think about it…

When’s the last time you did a workout without any Drake blasting in your ears?

When’s the last time you went for a run without David Goggins screaming through your headphones?

When the last time you enjoyed a meal in pure unadulterated silence?

When’s the last time you did anything without being distracted?

Listen, brother

The most successful people in the world, what makes them so special?

Is it that they are smarter?

Is it that they have more skill?

Is it that they just got lucky?


The thing that makes the most successful people so special is that they are UNDISTRACTED.

They’ve got a daily mission & anything that detours them from that mission—is CASTED OUT.

…And this is the very first thing that a man must master.

The key to self-improvement & mastering your mind is casting out the distractions.


Because the more roadblocks you rid, the clearer your path becomes.

You can’t go 120 in the fast lane if the freeway has road debris scattered everywhere.

So the question I want you to ask yourself is this…

‘What in my life needs to be completely casted out?’



Most of us men are using our mind in the WRONG WAY.

Your mind is NOT a place to STORE things.

Your mind is a place to CREATE things.

In his book, ‘Greenlights’, Matthew Mccaughnahay said,

“I never wrote things down to remember; I always wrote things down so I could forget.”

…And that’s what our goal should be.


More Output.

That’s the key.

Your output should always outweigh your input.


A GREAT exercise for you to try today is this:

Instead of watching self-improvement videos—Try creating a self-improvement video.

You really want to go to that next level in life?

Create some content.

You want to unlock that beast mode?

Turn off all devices & immerse yourself into total silence.

You’d be surprised of how much you could get done by shutting off your phone & locking yourself away in your room for 1 hour.

You’d be surprised of how many ideas & how much revelation you’d receive by leaving your earbuds at home & going a 2 mile run.

I guarantee you, you break away & block out the world for 1 hour a day—the floodgates of heaven will begin to pour down upon you.

God will literally start speaking to you.

He will pour out his wisdom onto you.

Stop consuming.

Stop waking up & going straight to the feed.

Straight for breakfast.

Straight to blasting music on your way to work/school.

Just be present.

If you can’t spend a morning without indulging in 1 of these things—You are a modern day SLAVE & you will never get to experience what it’s like to be a King.

These last handful of years before I turned my life around—I was a slave 3 things.

And the sad reality is I had no clue I was even in captivity.

I had no idea these things were even distracting me.


The 1st major distraction in my life was MUSIC.

And I didn’t no I was be so distracted until I stopped listening to music.

Once I went on a run for the first time without music blasting—all of the sudden my mind starting thinking its own thoughts.

It was absolutely amazing.

So then I applied this to the gym, & guess what happened?

I started to have great masculine conversations with other men.

Once I stopped bogging my mind down with music, my mind literally started opening up.

This is actually how I come up with my best ideas that generate me the most income.

In fact, this is how I came up with the idea for the [WakeUp,Ōsleeper] Challenge.


The 2nd major distraction in my life was STYLE & FASHION.

Now there was a slight exception in my case—style & fashion used to be apart of my profession

However, there came a point where it started holding me back from where God wanted to take me.

I started becoming so self-centered.

All I cared about was trying to impress people with my appearance.

I wanted more women to look at me.

I wanted men to be envious of my wardrobe.

Everything was about receiving more attention.

First of all, what kinda man cares about looking pretty for girls?

Don’t get me wrong, it’s one thing to look good, but a lot of men today have become so GAY.

Lol bro, I remember a time when I used to spend 15 minutes in the bathroom blow drying my hair trying to get massive volume & curly waves in my hair… cuz girls are gonna think it’s so sexy!”

…wtf, bro?

And then I would be on Pinterest for 2 hours a day trying to find cool new hairstyles that would look good on me.

And I would be up till wee hours of the night searching online for rare sneakers or vintage jackets.

Countless hours & money wasted on trying to IMPRESS others opposed to EFFECT others.

This was immaturity at its finest.

So what did I decide to do?

I decided to get a simple short hairstyle & rid my wardrobe of everything but a few basic tee’s & some pants.

And this allowed me to free up my time, my energy, my headspace—So I could now just focus on my purpose.

And as a result my life started to finally skyrocket.


And the 3rd major distraction in my life was P*RN.

At one point, my wife & I would watch it every single day & it consumed not just our thoughts—but our lives!

Everything revolved around lust & perversion.

The types of TV Shows we watched.

The conversations we had at dinner.

The jokes we’d bust with our friends.

My days were less about purpose & more about promiscuity.

I couldn’t think about anything else.

Nothing else mattered.

And the moment I’d try to focus on my purpose, my mind would revert to sexual thoughts causing me to spend the next 2 hours indulging in my sin.


The Story of Jacob & Esau

Dan Koe once said—Distraction is the greatest trap of the 21st century.’

I want you to think about something—Do you know the story of Jacob & Esau?

These were twins brothers who were literally fighting in their womb.

And on the day they were born, Jacob was literally holding on to Esau’s heel, because he wanted to come out first.

So as the two boys grew older…

Esau became a skillful hunter, while Jacob was more of a homebody.

One day when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came back from the open country, completely FAMISHED.

He said to Jacob, “quick let me have some of that red stew!”

Jacob replied, “sell me your birthright!”

So Esau did & he got his stew.

SMH. Poor decision, right?

But look, we’ve ALL been there.

We’ve all have times where we were ‘FAMISHED’, either mentally, physically, relationally, etc…

And we quickly reach for that stew (instant gratification) to make us feel better.

And like Esau, we get so focused on what we want to eat—Rather than who we were called to be!

And this is wild bro…


I bet you didn’t know this…

When someone is describing God in the Bible, how many times have you heard them say, ‘The God of Abraham, Isaac, & JACOB’?

Well, it was meant to be, ‘The God os Abraham, Isaac, & ESAU.’

Because Esau was the actual firstborn.

But this ended up NOT being the case.

Jacob took the place Esau.

Don’t get me wrong, God still blessed Esau—but his momentary pleasures were COSTLY.

Remember brother, God created you to BUILD.

So stay clear headed.

Remove the distractions.

And realize that your actions, both big & small, they compound.


Ready To TRANSFORM Your Life In The Next 21 Days?

 Click the link below & join my 21-Day [WakeUp,ŌSleeper] Challenge right now.

If you can commit yourself to this challenge for the next 3 weeks, I believe your life will truly begin to take shape. 

You’ll become the man you were DESTINED to be & you’ll begin to unleash exponential MOMENTUM in your life

You ready, my brother?

Click HERE To Begin Your 21-Day Challenge.