Ancient Weapon To KILL Your Fears

Apr 11, 2024

The mind of a man is constantly at war.

It’s a battle between FEAR & FAITH.

But the Bible says—

“No one can serve two masters.”

A man cannot serve both FEAR & FAITH simultaneously.

Fear is something I know all too well.

I may not always show it, but naturally I’m a very fearful person.

My mind always likes to focus on the very worst that can happen.

For instance…

Growing up my biggest FEAR was talking to girls.

And it all stemmed from this 1 experience I had

I was 13 in the 6th grade.

And the girl I had a mad crush on since 4th grade had finally started to like me back.

So one day right after school was over

She came up to me, gave me her number & told me to call her.

I was ecstatic.

We hugged.

I smelled her hair like a creep.

And she went home to await my call.

All of the sudden I looked at the little scrap of paper with her number written on it.

And my heart began to race.

My mind started thinking about the WORSE possible outcomes;

“What if I call her & I stumble my words?

“What if I don’t know what to say?”

“What if I say something weird AF?”

“What if she decides she doesn’t like me anymore?”

As I’m thinking all these weasel-like thoughts, my mom comes and picks me up.

I get home.

I go to my bedroom.

Lock the door behind me.

And with my phone in one hand & her note in the other—

My hands begin to quiver.

All I can think about is everything that could go wrong by me calling her.

So I take a deep breath.

I slowly dial the number.

But right before I press the ‘call’ button—

What does your boy do?

…I wish I could say, “I grabbed my nutsack, spit some game, & told her to meet me at the park so we can make out for an hour.”

But nah.

I choked.

Frozen with fear I decide to turn off the phone & head to the kitchen to have dinner with my parents.

(Me = 🤓 👍)

My balls were completely severed.

After that day, she didn’t utter a single word to me for an entire YEAR.

Throughout the following years my fear kept growing like a terrible fungus in my mind.

And eventually I developed a mental illness that turned physical.

Any time I became fearful, my stomach would twist & turn & I would run to the bathroom to vomit in the toilet. 

Before every meeting, presentation, date with a girl, & even my drivers test—I would run to the bathroom, lock the door, & blow chunks.

This would go on for about 6 years.

My brother, listen to me closely—

If you are like the younger version of me & your fears are crippling you.

If you feel like your desired life is absolutely unattainable because your mind is stuck in constant “what if’s”

I understand your pain.

And I have a quick message I want to deliver to you.

But before I dive deep into this lesson, here’s another quick story I think you’ll really enjoy…



Their once was an ancient spartan warrior who was extremely well-trained.

In fact, since the age of 7, he had been taught by the greatest warriors how to battle.

However, when the time came for him to step foot on the battlefield & face a real enemy—Fear gripped him.

All of the sudden, he was faced with doubt & anxiety.

So he quickly ran to one of his masters.

And the master gave him a simple solution.

The master told the warrior to take a small bag of salt & to sprinkle it on the path that he would take to battle.

He told the warrior, “Do this, and ALL your fear will fade away!”

So the warrior jumps up excited, quickly gets a bag of salt, & starts sprinkling it on the way to battle.

After the battle was won, he wraps-up his cuts & bruises & heads home along the same path he came.

But he notices that all the salt, had been blown away by the wind.

So he goes back to his master & the master explains the lesson

“The salt represented your FEAR & the path represented the warriors journey.”

Meaning—Your fear will ONLY fade when you take action & face it head on.

From that day forward he never forgot this lesson & used it to overcome his fears.


I want you to realize this…


Fear is a storyline that gives you what you DON’T want.

Faith is a storyline that gives you what you DO want.

Meanwhile, you & I are focusing solely on one of these storylines every single day.

And if we were being brutally honest with ourselves—

Most of the time we are writing, reading, re-writing, re-reading, re-scripting, re-thinking, re-shaping, & re-editing the FEAR storyline.

We are constantly adding new plots, new enemies, new conflicts, new adversities, etc.

We WORSHIP our fears.

…This is why FEAR is so popular in the marketing place.

Companies & influencers (like me) KNOW that you are quicker to RUN from PAIN


Think of it like FIRE

When a flame gets too close to your skin, you flinch or quickly draw back.

Hence the saying, ‘Time to light a fire under you ass!’

We will always put in more work to RUN AWAY from struggle—

Than to RUN TOWARDS abundance.

This is why a lot of people within the church will do more to NOT go to hell

Than they will TO go to heaven.

They will do more to NOT die—

Than they will TO live.

But just as the Bible says, “No one can serve two masters.”—

Your mind cannot serve both your FEAR story & FAITH story.

Because they are polar opposites.

However, even though they are opposites

They do share 1 similarity.

What is their similarity?

They both don’t EXIST. 

They are both creations made up in our minds.

Yes, you can switch back & forth between the two

Making you extremely confused or practically bipolar.

But you cannot go North & South at the same exact time.

You must SERVE only 1 storyline—

And REJECT the other.

My brother, choose this day whom you will SERVE.


Back to my story—

The very last time I hurled up my breakfast in the toilet was right before I met Bre.

We had been talking for awhile on IG.

But this would be the day we actually would meet in-person.

I remember thinking to myself,

“I CAN’T back out like I did when I was a teenager!”

“I can’t serve my FEAR. I must serve my FAITH!”

And once I met her, she was unlike any woman I had ever met—

She was the most chill person I had ever met.

And I realized, all these years I had been constantly getting myself sick to my stomach over absolutely nothing

A completely non-existent storyline.

That’s not to say everything from there on out went ‘picture-perfect’, but everything always ended up perfectly the way it needed to.

…As long as I focused on my FAITH storyline.



“In the end, everything will be okay—

And if not, that just means it’s not the end.”


Now look, my brothers…

Even though I’ve been in a constant state of progression since then.

That doesn’t mean that my fears have completely faded away.

I would even go as far as to say that my fears are trying to infiltrate my mind more than EVER right now.


Because with new levels comes new devils—trying to scare the living 💩 out of you.

The only difference?

Now I’m weaponized.

My mind has gotten tougher.

Anytime my life has gotten HARD, I’ve decided to become even HARDER.

But where does this strength come from?

Is it me just finally mustering up all my own strength & willpower?


I get my power from a higher source.

Anytime satan has tried to get me to look at my weaknesses

I’ve decided to look at God & LEAN into His EVERLASTING OMNIPOTENT POWER!

In the book of Deuteronomy

Moses had been leading his people for 40 years before he passed the torch to Joshua—who felt extremely unqualified to lead.

But what did Moses tell Joshua on his death bed?

He said,

“The LORD is the one who goes AHEAD of you;

He will be WITH you. He will NOT fail you or FORSAKE you.

Do not FEAR or be dismayed."

So listen my brother…

Anytime your situations seem too difficult to bare

Remembered that God will ALWAYS go AHEAD of You.

And yes, He will give you scary missions to EXPAND you.

Yes, He will push you beyond your self-limiting beliefs!

There’s this little saying that EVERYONE always repeats—

“Oh God will NEVER give you more than you can handle!”

…That’s BS.

“Oh but Dre, it’s in the Bible!”

No, it’s NOT.

From my own experience & lessons I’ve learned—

(Not to mention characters in the Bible that I’ve read about!)

Yes, God WILL give you MORE than you can handle!

Not ONLY to EXPAND you, but to make you realize you CANNOT do this on your OWN.

You NEED a higher source of power.


Satan will always have you look at what YOU are NOT capable of.

But God will have you look at Him & what HE’S capable of.

Lmao, I know this sounds blasphemous, but sometimes satan is RIGHT!

When he says, “You will FAIL!”

…Throw him off by saying,

“Yup, you’re right! But my God NEVER will.”

“And I know that in all things, God works for the GOOD of those who love Him!”

“Yeah, I might not have what it takes. But God does!”

“Yeah, I might not be good enough, But Christ was!”

“Yeah, I can’t do this, But God can!”

…This, my brothers, is called Godfidence.

And it’s an everlasting WING you can always SOAR upon.



My brother, I’ve got a great opportunity for you right now.

Now listen to me…

Every man needs brothers to lean into.

There’s a quote that says—

‘Show me your closest friends & I’ll show you your future.’

I think that quote can also be applied to the devices & social media we plug into

‘Show me your apps, IG feed, who you’re following, & browsing history & I’ll show you your future.’

IMO, the internet can be the most destructive weapon to a man—

Or it can BUILD his life & take him to new heights he’s NEVER been!

…if he’s connected into the right things, of course.

So with that said, me & my team have created a new community that you can connect into called [WakeUp,WarClub]



Here are some of the bonuses you get when you sign up:

> Tune in to 2x live calls every week.

> You get instant access to 10 guides & courses. (And I will be continuously adding more videos/courses every single month.)

> Full access to The 21-Day [WakeUp,ŌSleeper] ‘Elite’ Program.

(This program will give you INSANE results in your life)

> Private posts, vlogs, & videos from me throughout every single week.

> Access to converse with me.

(Ask questions, advice, check in, or just say ‘wut up’ 🤙)

> Community Challenges.

> Accountability Partners. (Create solid friendships & brotherhood)

> And many other exciting things I’m keeping secret for now.

Hope to see you there, my brother. 🙏

