5 Ways To STOP Being A Slave To Meaningless Pleasure.

Sep 09, 2023

The world is full of traps & pitfalls—designed to make men slaves.

And the sad reality is most men have all taken the bait.

Their hooked.

They’ve forsaken their families, their values, their manhood, & most of all they’ve forsaken God.

It’s WILD bro…

8 out of 10 men I know are all doing one of the following;

  1. Cheating on their spouse.

  2. Having orgies with their spouse.

  3. Or they spend their free time hunched over the toilet spilling their seed to p*rnogrpahic images.

Listen to me closely, my brother.

None of these traps are set up by accident.

The enemy knows EXACTLY what makes your ears perk up.

He know EXACTLY what makes you stumble.

And he has strategically orchestrated a plan to take out each one of us men.


What’s the point of all this?


If you can control the minds of men, you can control the minds of the entire population.

Sadly, most men have fallen for the agenda & have bowed down to the enemy.

They believe the lie that indulging in their sin is liberating.

But in reality, it’s only making them weaker & more in bondage to their unquenchable desires.

Thus creating weak, lust-driven weasels who pose no threat to the enemy.

With that said…

Let’s go ahead & discuss 5 Ways to STOP being a SLAVE to Meaningless Pleasure.


Number 1. Reprioritize Your End Goal.

A wise man once said, “If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation.”


I’ve even seen these LIES seep in to the Red Pill Community. (This is why I’m no longer red-pilled myself.)

Many men are believing the lie that having;

  1. More Money

  2. More Power

  3. More Sex

…Will give you ULTIMATE FREEDOM.

But this is FAR from the TRUTH.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying all these things are bad

But these things should NEVER be our end goal.

Once you prioritize Money, Power, & Sex above God—this is when you KNOW you’ve fallen off track.

You become a slave to these things & your lust will never be quenched.

You will desire MORE & MORE.

Listen brother.

Honest to God truth

These last handful of years I dealt with ALL THREE.

• In 2020, I wanted POWER. I was sick of being the ‘nice guy’ & I wanted people to revere me.

• In 2021, I wanted more SEX. But NOT just from my wife. From other women too. In fact, my wife & I at this time were watching so much porn that it lead us into the idea of allowing one of her friends to sleep with us.

I go into full detail about this story in my Masculine Masterclass.

• And then in 2022, up until very recently, my main focus was more MONEY. I thought having more money was going to be my saving grace.

But when it came down to it, not one of these things ever fulfilled me.

It was only when I started chasing PURPOSE that I found my LIBERTY.


Number 2. Choose Your Fight.

War is 100% certain.

You either fight for integrity & honor—feeling deeply proud from within.

Or you succumb to your sinful desires & fight against your regret & disappointments 

Either way, you can’t choose to avoid fighting.

The ONLY thing you CAN CHOOSE, is which war you’re willing to fight.


When you choose NOT to fight the good fight, it’s like pulling both your dick & balls out & putting the surgical knife in your enemy’s hand.

My brother, there should be no other option.

We need to destroy the enemy.

We cannot accept the slave mindset.

We must overcome.

Your mind is too precious to freely give away into captivity.

The world will try to convince you of their lies.

So be aware.

The world will tell you, “Just be yourself”.

But the Bible says, “Deny yourself”.

The world tell you, “Find your inner peace”

But the Bible says, “Rejoice in your suffering”

The world will tell you, “You only live once!”

But the Bible says, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”

The choice is yours, my brother.

You can choose to fight the WAR against EVIL,

Or you can continue to fight the WAR that EVIL rages your mind.

Only one will fulfill you & truly liberate you.


Number 3. Reject The Consumer Mindset.

The enemy’s plan is to make every man the CENTER of his own universe.

To have him solely focused on himself & what HE can gain.

It’s a consumer-based mindset.

And we must REJECT IT.

Instead of thinking about what you can GAIN, think about what you can SUPPLY.

Many men have confused what self-improvement is all about.

They think it’s about status, position, creating a better life, becoming more alpha, becoming more liked, etc.

But this is FAR from the TRUTH.

Self-improvement is NOT about becoming a better LEADER, it’s about becoming a better SERVANT

Taking care of those around you.

Like Ephesians 6:7 says, “Serve-wholeheartedly.”

Build yourself UP, so you can build the next man UP.

This is the shift in mindset that you must make.

This life’s not about, ‘what can I ACQUIRE?’, it’s about ‘what can I GIVE UP?’

After all, ‘what has a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world & lose his own soul?’


What is a warrior?

A warrior is someone who brings others back.


Number 4. Rejoice In Your Suffering

If a man can REJOICE in his SUFFERING, he can endure ANYTHING.

The problem is most men jump ship the second things get tough.

They revert to their addictions & meaningless pleasures. 

Growing up I used to enjoy my pleasures more than I did my sufferings.

Anytime I felt even an ounce of pain or struggle, I would quickly embrace the things that gave me pleasure & a quick dopamine spike.

And I realized I was looking at life from the WRONG perspective.

I always thought, ‘PAIN = me doing something WRONG.

But I shifted my thinking.

I had to realize that suffering is the ultimate training ground that allows you to callous your mind.

Just as your HANDS get calloused after constant repetition on a pull-up bar, so does your MIND get calloused to constant repetition to suffering.

There is no EXPANSION when you don’t suffer.

It’s funny, my wife likes to make fun of me & tells people, “Dre loves to suffer!”

Usually due to me always being on some strenuous diet of boring food or running for miles & miles in 113 degree weather outside.

And my reply is, “heeellll yeah I do!”


And the more your suffer, the more your mind hardens.

But remember, you must become HARD in ALL areas of your life.

I’ve seen dudes who train HARD in the gym, but who are soft as hell in the most important areas of their lives.

I’ve seen dudes who:

Look HARD. Talk HARD. And Train HARD…

…But who have absolutely NO CONTROL over their lust & addictions.

I’ve seen men who people look to as the EPITOME of STRENGTH, yet who get easily triggered when someone offends them. (you kidding me bro?)

In other words, they have the appearance of being strong—But they’re WEASELS. 


In times like this, you must callous your mind by constantly enduring whatever the enemy throws at you.

REJECT the temptation to give into your feelings & emotions.

And REJOICE in your suffering, knowing that it’s building you.


Number 5. Embrace God’s Grace.

When you look around you, it’s NOT hard to tell that we are in satan’s season.

Evil is all around us. 

Temptation is at every corner.

And everyone is addicted to something.

Let me ask you a few questions...

  1. What are you battling today?
  2. What is your addiction?
  3. Are you a slave to meaningless pleasure?

Let me tell you a quick story…

I was addicted to pron for 16 years.

During those years, all I felt was guilt & shame.

And every time I fell into sin, I promised God I wouldn't do it again.

…But then, a few hours later I'd be back in my bathroom viewing pron & spilling my seed in the toilet.

I was in an endless loop of guilt & shame.

Sometimes I would go a couple weeks without fapping, but then I would always break my streak.

So what did I do?

I decided to STOP focusing on MY WORKS & focus on the WORK of Jesus Christ.

I stopped focusing on my NoFap streaks, and instead, focused on Christ's free gift of grace & salvation.

Listen brother…

We don't grow by GUILT, we grow by GRACE.

So anytime you fall short & sin, go straight to Jesus & embrace His love.

Thank Him for dying on the cross for your sins & focus on building a relationship with Him.

Because the more you fall in love with Christ, the more you will naturally begin to hate sin & desire to do good works.

Yes, this may take time, but God is patient & He is ready to embrace you & have a relationship with you & help you progress!


I am NOT talking about RELIGION, I am talking about RELATIONSHIP. 

Religion NEVER works.

Religion makes you focus on yourself & doing good works to earn God's love & acceptance.

But Relationship makes you focus on God & the work He ALREADY did, because He loves you so much.

Religion is based on WORK.

Relationship is based on LOVE.

And as a result, you then begin to do good works naturally because you love God & have a relationship with Him.

And this has single-handedly been the biggest driving force in helping me overcome my 16 year addiction.

The more I fell in love with God, the more my desire for sin began to fade & the more I WANTED to do better.

It's just like having a beautiful loving family

When you TRULY love your wife & kids, you naturally want to be a great husband & a great father to them… without even trying!

My friend, listen to me closely…

STOP focusing so heavily on your NoFap streaks & your monthly sobriety milestones.

Because all this does is make you the CENTER of your own universe.

Instead, focus on making Jesus the CENTER of your universe.

And as a result…

Your addictions will begin to fade naturally.

If you desire to give your life to JESUS, watch this video here.



Ready To TRANSFORM Your Life In The Next 21 Days?

 Click the link below & join my 21-Day [WakeUp,ŌSleeper] Challenge right now.

If you can commit yourself to this challenge for the next 3 weeks, I believe your life will truly begin to take shape. 

You’ll become the man you were DESTINED to be & you’ll begin to unleash exponential MOMENTUM in your life

You ready, my brother?

Click HERE To Begin Your 21-Day Challenge.