5 Masculine Mindsets To MAXIMIZE Your Life

Sep 30, 2023

There are only 3 things that receive unconditional love.

 You know what they are?

  1. Women

  2. Children

  3. Pets

A grown-ass man does NOT get the luxury of unconditional love

A man is valued solely for what he brings to the table.

But don’t get it twisted.

This is not some self-pity party.

I don’t say this to gain empathy or make society feel bad for men like me.


While a weak man might see this as a curse, I see it as a blessing.

Think about it…

If a man was freely given love without conditions—He would take his role as father/husband/businessman for granted.

And he would become unmotivated & quickly lose everything that mattered to him.

Quick Story—

Growing up I was always a mama’s boy.

…Still am if I’m being honest.

And though I love my mom for all the countless love & support that she’s provided me for all these years—Once I became a man, I had a bit of a rude awakening.

I always thought to myself,

‘If my mom loves me this much, I’m sure everyone will!’

Thinking the world would welcome me with open arms.

When it did the exact opposite.

I quickly realized this once I started my YouTube channel.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I never receive any love & admiration.

But there’s been plenty of moments in my YouTube career when I’ve been swarmed with hate, condemnation, & even death threats.

So I soon realized that in order to make something of my life, it’s not going to happen by just showing up.

You must first... 



But how does a man prove himself worthy?

Is it with fancy jewelry & cool clothes?


Is it with chiseled abs & strong jawlines?


A man proves himself worthy by only 3 things:




This is how you quickly MAXIMIZE your life as a man—You make it LESS about yourself.

And you can apply this to ANY area of your life…

Whether that’s business, family, friends, etc.

Listen to my words

'When a king acts like a king

It is not long before someone else is king.

But when a king acts like a servant

A king he will always be.'

A true king SERVES his people.

But NOT only that, he also serves with the right attitude.

Which leads me right into number 2…



The ‘high-spirited man’ is a man of a different caliber.

His mindset operates at a higher level.

What does it mean to be ‘high-spirited’?

It means doing everything with enthusiasm & an upbeat attitude.

Even in your hardest moments.

The truth is…

Most men are living a hard life because their perspective is completely distorted.

They’re making things harder than what they need to be,

Listen, my brother.

If a man can learn to REJOICE even in his SUFFERING—He can endure ANYTHING.

Many young men will complain when asked to take out the trash for their parents.

While some young men WISH they could have parents to take out the trash for.

Many men will complain about how their girlfriend sucks.

While theres men who will spend the rest of their life in prison never to TOUCH, SMELL, or even SEE a woman again.

Some men complain that their job doesn’t appreciate them.

While other men would just appreciate to have a job.

So all in all, if you want to be as UN-MANLY as possible—Complain more often! (sarcasm)

A great thing to do is be aware of the next time you complain.

And the MOMENT you do, quickly analyze what it is & make a decision to NEVER do it again.

Complaining is such child-like behavior.

And NOT only that, it’s also extremely GAY.

Think about it…

A lot of gay men (not all of them) complain about everything.

So the next time your girl asks you to help clean the house or your friend asks for a favor

Instead of rolling your eyes or huffing & puffing, your response should be:

“Of course, no problem.”

Or if you really are busy & don’t have time, a simple, “I’d love to, but can you just give me 10 minutes to finish what I’m working on first?”

Anything outside of this response is INEXCUSABLE.

Btw, if you want to learn more about powerful masculine habits that you can implement into your manhood—check out my Masculine Masterclass I created for you.



We live in a world where we are constantly comparing ourselves to the Iman Gadzhi’s & Andrew Tate’s.

We see these rich successful men & then we sit here thinking to ourselves…

“Oh I gotta be like him. I gotta get on his level!”

But listen, my brother.

Don’t allow these dudes to do that to you.

This happened to me all last year.

I’m NOT saying they’re bad men or that you can’t draw some good advice or inspiration from them.

But walk your own PATH.

Matthew Mccaughnahay said in his book, Greenlights; ‘Be LESS impressed. And MORE involved.’

In other words, there’s too many shiny objects out here that are getting us excited & that are distracting us.

For instance, have you ever been somewhere & the person sitting next to you’s phone is reflecting the sun in your face?

All the sudden, whatever you were doing in the present moment, doesn’t even matter anymore, right?

…That’s how we live our lives.

We get so focused on these shiny objects.

We get so mesmerized by these powerhouse influencers & celebrities.

We think the only way to be high-value is to get on that level.

I’ve even had guys tells me things like;

“But Dre, I know I was made to do BIG THINGS! I know I was made for so much more!”

Okay, but…

Does that mean what you currently have in front of you is just no good & meaningless?

Understand this…

The more impressed you are with other people, the more disconnected you become with yourself & your path.

Remember, it’s not always about being #1.

It’s about FINISHING what you started.

Just like David Goggins

Even though he didn’t win most races, every race he began he finished it.

Even when he least felt like it.

Even when the bones in his legs & feet had broken halfway through the race.

Even when he had bloody urine & diarrhea running down his leg because his kidneys were failing.

He still finished.

So what can WE take from this?

SHOW UP & finish what you start.

Don’t look at what everyone else is doing.

Just finish the work in front of you. & do it with SPIRIT & ENTHUSIASM.



Listen, bro.

Action is what breeds motivation

It’s NOT the other way around.

Too many of us dudes are out here searching for the quickest tips & trickiest tricks.

Hoping to find some quick inspiration & an easier way to success.

We sit comfortably in our air conditioned bedrooms.

We got our Alex Hormozi quotes posted on the wall.

We got our goals written down in our notebooks.

Ready to watch 50 self-improvement videos on how to gain MAXIMUM profit with the LEAST amount of effort.

Thinking success is jut right around the corner.

But what most of us men fail to realize is:

Everything seems achievable when you’re sitting on your ass with your shoes kicked off & your mom in the kitchen downstairs cooking you breakfast.


You will NOT find mental toughness in a comfortable environment.

The only way to find this toughness is to immerse yourself in the hard work.

Don’t get me wrong

All this self-improvement content is great & it definitely plays its part.

But the most effective way to start BUILDING is to TAKE ACTION.

And the more action you take, the more motivated you will become to take even MORE action.

This is how true momentum is created.

Not by research, but by taking action.

So all in all, studying, reading, learning—It’s ALL great.


Your ACTIONS must outweigh your RESEARCH.


Because RESEARCH does NOT create a strong mind.

Only ACTION does.

Think about it…

There’s no risk involved in research.

But there’s high risk when taking action.

When you take action—You will experience pain, struggle, & immense failure.

But the quicker you learn to fail, the quicker you will build a tolerance to it—

Allowing you to become hard, callused, & more resistant to the difficulties that life brings.

…And that’s the type of man you WANT to be.

That’s the type of man your family CRAVES you to be.

And ultimately, who God CALLED you to be!



This probably doesn’t make much sense to you but follow me here…

Around 3,000 years ago there was a small army of 300 soldiers that was lead by a man named Gideon. 

And they were up against the Midianites who had an army of over 135,000 soldiers.

One night God gave Gideon a dream along with an idea on how to defeat the Midianites.

So around 2am in the morning, Gideon woke up his soldiers & gave them all trumpets & empty jars with torches inside.

He told them, “When I blow my trumpet, I want you to blow your trumpets & shout, “For the Lord & for Gideon!”

So they went to the Midianites campsite where they were all sleeping.

And what did they do?

They blew their trumpets, smashed the jars, & grasped their torches.

All of the sudden, the Midianites woke up confused & terrified, thinking a massive army was approaching them!

And it says that God caused the men in the camp to turn on each other with their swords & then they fled the land.

And that night, Gideons army of 300 defeated the 135,000 Midianites.

Now let me ask you a question

Do you think it made sense to Gideons soldiers to show up to the campsite with nothing but some trumpets & empty jars?

I’m guessing—NO.

In fact, I’m sure these soldiers thought Gideon lost his noodle.

How in the world were they to conquer 135,000 midianites without a single weapon?

It just didn’t make sense!

However, NOT 1 of the soldiers questioned Gideon.

Not even 1 backed out & went home.

Instead, they all obeyed their orders & took action.


So how does this resonate with us men?

Just how it didn’t make sense for Gideon’s army to rise up & take action.…

It doesn’t always need to make sense for YOU to TAKE ACTION!

You just need to be completely submitted & surrendered to God’s will.

So a great thing you can do right now is literally open up your hands to the heavens & ask yourself this question

‘What has God currently placed in my hands?’

‘What has He currently entrusted me with?’

‘And how can I maximize it?’

Remember, STOP focusing on what you DON’T have & START focusing on what you DO have.


Ready To TRANSFORM Your Life In The Next 21 Days?

Click the link below & join my 21-Day [WakeUp,ŌSleeper] Challenge right now.

If you can commit yourself to this challenge for the next 3 weeks, I believe your life will truly begin to take shape.

You’ll become the man you were DESTINED to be & you’ll begin to unleash exponential MOMENTUM in your life… 

You ready, my brother?

Click HERE To Begin Your 21-Day Challenge.