4 Destructive Things A REAL Man Should NEVER Do

Aug 06, 2023

Out of every 100 men on the battlefield.

10 SHOULD NOT even be there.

80 are just moving targets.

9 are real fighters—And you are lucky to have them by your side.

But only 1 is a WARRIOR.

The sad reality is most of us men are being programmed to believe that we are just 1 of those 80 moving targets. 

We believe things like;

“I’m just not built like he is.”

“I’m just a normal-simple guy”

“I’m no one special.”

And we call that ‘humility’ or ‘modesty’.

But there’s a difference between humility & living in defeat.

Listen, my brother…

You may NOT be a genius.

You may NOT be a genetically gifted athlete.

But you can CAN BE that 1 resilient warrior that outworks EVERYONE ELSE.

And if you can see yourself from that perspective—there ain’t nothing you CAN’T DO.

I came to the realization today that ‘being a man’, especially being a young man with the wind at your back—I believe that is the GREATEST GIFT IN THE WORLD.

And the most ungrateful thing you could possibly do is waste that gift

So today I’m going to discuss 4 things YOU as a 1% man… scratch that… 1% WARRIOR should NEVER do.

Number 1. Don’t Catch Feelings! 

Now right off the bat, you may be thinking I’m talking about ‘catching feelings’ for a woman…

Not even close.

What I’m talking about is getting caught up in your emotions.

For instance, when a naysayer, critic, or internet troll comes at you sideways, you may feel threatened or hurt by their words.

And your initial reaction may be to react out of pure emotion & attack back!

But you must ask yourself—‘What kind of man cares about what others think of him?’

You think a lion worries about what a sheep thinks of him?

Nah bro, he has no FEELINGS towards that sheep.

So as a man, you can’t get caught up in your feelings & get emotional over someones opinions about you.

You can’t worry about if someone likes you or not.

I remember when I first joined the Red Pill community, you wouldn’t believe the people who I thought were close friends, who I considered family, split on me.

And at first this hurt, I ain’t gonna lie.

But I quickly remembered one thing…

Dre doesn’t perform for man…

Dre performs for an audience of 1

And that’s JESUS.

So I don’t have time to worry about what people think.

But check it out bro, don’t get confused!

Not caring what others think about you IS NOT A LOUD BEHAVIOR.

It’s not about throwing up middle fingers, yelling in peoples faces like a babbling idiot & spewing offensive comments about how much ‘you don’t care!’

When you react with hysterical behavior, this further proves that you DO in fact care… a lot!

Listen, when you truly do not care about what others think of you, this is a very QUIET BEHAVIOR.

This is because, when you truly do not care, you have nothing to prove.

And you don’t feel the need to say anything.

When the little ducks quack at you, you keep your head down & continue to stay on your path.

Remember, champions never spend even a second debating & arguing with chumps.

If you get angry, go to the gym.

If you get frustrated, go on a run.

And if someone hurts you, pray for them.

Blow some steam off & at all costs, stay cool, calm, & collected.


Number 2. Don’t Misinterpret Your Failures.

The outcome of your life depends on how well you interpreted your “failures”. 

There are a set of beliefs that we must NEVER indulge in if we ever EXPECT to succeed.

Let’s break it down… 

You know what the biggest difference is between the man who achieves & the man who loses?

The man who achieves rarely, if ever, sees a problem as permanent.

While the loser man sees even the smallest problems as permanent. 

I just realized this about myself…

There’s this nervous kind of tick I do whenever I encounter a failure or a set back.

You know what I do?

I tend to make fun of myself.

It’s like a defense mechanism I guess you could say.

I say things like,

“Aha! See there goes Dre again, Mr. Screw up, it’s all over for me, ain’t no way I’m coming back from this. Hahahaha!”

I know this doesn’t sound too heroic from a ‘Motivational YouTuber’, but it’s the honest truth.

Just because I have a platform doesn’t mean I’m NOT human.

It doesn’t mean I’ve got it all figured out.

In fact, it’s quite opposite.

I’m just like anyone else—Sometimes I’m a complete mess & sometimes I get super negative.

The only thing that separates me from the multitude is I SNAP OUT OF IT, QUICK.

That’s one thing I pride myself in—I’m extremely RESILIENT.

I get back up!

I might have a moment where I’m down, & I might need to talk it out with my inner-circle & have my moms pray over me—but then I’M BACK IN IT!

I see my ‘failures’ as opportunities to grow, to build fortitude—I literally weaponize my shortcomings!

I use my defeats to strengthen me & make me BETTER & MORE SMARTER.

And this is why I’m a ‘1% WARRIOR.’



The loser always quits when he fails.

But the winner always fails till he succeeds.


Number 3. Don’t Listen To Someone Just Because They’re Popular or Well-Known

I wrote the following statement on my Threads account a few weeks ago, it says…

‘When you follow someone on social media—you are literally choosing your future thoughts.’

There’s a specific pattern that your average person follows…

And that is, they are constantly giving away their attention to anyone & everyone.

Listen, there is a lot information online & everyone is a so-called “guru” these days.

But a 1% Man knows he can’t blindly listen & give his attention to just anyone.

He must choose just a selected few to follow.

I think it was FarFromWeak who said the following…

“You will see guys like Andrew Tate say that you shouldn’t read books. Yet, the young men who follow this advice… well unlike Tate, they didn’t have the luxury of having a brilliant chess grandmaster as their father teaching them valuable lessons.”

So in this case, nah—read a book bro!

Remember, a lot of these online ‘influencers’ can steer you way off track.

For example…

This whole concept that Red Pillers talk about; “Oh it’s way worse when a woman cheats vs when a man cheats!”

Are you kidding me bro?



In my opinion, it’s actually WORSE when a man cheats…


Because it sets up a destructive pattern in the home.

And you have to realize that as a man/husband/father—YOU SET THE STANDARD!

And if you have a family, guess who’s watching your every move?


And guess what kind of man your son is going to model himself after?

Or better yet…

Guess who’s gonna be the standard for the type of men your daughter begins to date?

You’re dumb cheating ass!

Anyways, enough of my rant… lmao


Number 4. Do NOT Focus On Your Reputation, Focus On Your Character.

Quick story…

At the time when Jesus was alive, there was this group of jewish scholars known as the Pharisees.

They were very respected & full of knowledge.

But guess what?

Who did Jesus choose to help build His ministry?

Was it the Pharisees? The ones who knew the Torah like the back of their hand?


Why not?

Why not choose men who had all the knowledge?

Because their hearts weren’t right.

They had became corrupt.

Even Jesus told them to their face! He said, “You hypocrites! On the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of wickedness.”

The Pharisees were focused more on their REPUTATION, less on their CHARACTER.

So guess what Jesus did?

He chose to partner with just some regular dudes like YOU & ME.

So what does this mean for us?

It means God loves showcasing His power through ordinary men.

So even if you don’t see yourself as a 1% WARRIOR just yet, and you think you’re just some ordinary basic dude


Because God has continuously used these types of men over & over in the Bible.

And I believe you are next, my brother.


Ready to Transform your life in the next 21 days?

Click the link below & join my 21-Day [WakeUp,ŌSleeper] Challenge right now.

If you can commit yourself to this challenge for the next 3 weeks, I believe your life will truly begin to take shape.

You’ll become the man you were destined to be & you’ll begin to unleash exponential momentum in your life…

You ready, my brother?

Click HERE To Begin Your 21-Day Challenge.