4 DARK Ways To Make Her SUBMIT To You

Dec 01, 2023

It’s quite rare these days—

But there are some women who are so ‘in-awe’ of their man, that they are completely READY & WILLING to submit to him at any moment.

Now this newsletter IS NOT going to be politically correct.

What makes a woman submissive is NOT something society will EVER tell you.


Because modern media & feminism both have an evil agenda.

They want women to rise up.

And men to submit.

And they say they want equality—

But what they are really aiming for is DOMINANCE.

However, I believe both women & men are beginning to wake up.

I believe women are realizing how much they DESIRE to submit to a man.

And men are realizing how much they DESIRE to lead a woman.

However, most men these days just aren’t equipped to do so.

So what I’m about to share with you today are 4 dark ways to make a woman more submissive to you.


1. Make Her Believe You Have Options.

Now don’t get me wrong.

There’s a right way of doing this—

And then there’s a completely wrong way of doing this.

For example:

I’m NOT saying to go the route most men go by saying things like,

“Oh yeah babe, there’s this girl at work who tried to give me her number”

Indicating that he coulda got with her if he WANTED

—But he turned down the option instead.

…And now he’s expecting to get ‘brownie points’ for it. (Lame)

Another example that most men do is:

They literally engage with other attractive women on a consistent basis—

To show that if they really wanted to, they could EASILY leave their current girl for another.

Indirectly threatening her to stay on her best behavioror else!”

…This is straight weasel-like behavior.

Look, I’m NOT saying to exercise your options!

What I’m saying is to be so devoted & invested in YOUR own girl

That she KNOWS deep down any woman would be lucky to have YOU as their man.

See the difference?

The ‘weasel-man’ likes to BRAG to his girl that he has options—

While the KING has options but likes to BRAG about how much he adores his girl.

I remember Elliot Hulse had some good advice for men in relationships.

He said, “make yourself attractive to other women.”

Now right away, I know this sounds a little weird, but I understand what he’s saying.


For some reason women love the MAN that all the other women love.

…It is what it is.

And so imagine if you WEREN’T attractive to other women.

(I’ll let you think about that for just a moment…)

Now imagine if you WERE attractive to other women.

Imagine all the other girls being so jealous of YOUR GIRL—

Because of all the love, affection, & admiration you shower upon her.

How would that make your girl feel, knowing that you are SO KINGLY that even other women DESIRE you?

How do you think that’d make your girl act towards you?

Listen, my brother…

When your girl KNOWS that other women WANT you—

She will begin to CLING to you.

She will become SUBMISSIVE.

And her DESIRE for you will begin to SKYROCKET.

That’s the byproduct of being a true KING to your QUEEN.

Think about if the roles were reversed.

Have you ever had a good looking guy that couldn’t keep his eyes off YOUR girl?

Be honest, what did do you?

If I were to make a bet, I’d say you pulled your girl a little closer to you.

Maybe you even put your arm around her?

Indicating that she’s YOURS.

So imagine another girl checking YOU out.

(NOT you checking out another girl, but HER checking YOU out.)

Maybe she gives you a smile or she can’t take her eyes off of you?

Now imagine your girl with you witnessing this.

100% she’s gonna pull you closer too.


2. Have An Open-Attitude.

Don’t be stingy.

Especially with your money.

I believe Robert Greene said, “Tightness is anti-seductive.”

Meaning—The man who’s always tight with his money, gives off ‘little guy’ energy. 

Or in other words, little d*ck energy. Lol

Quick story…

Growing up, every summer I used to work with my dad.

(He was a carpet cleaner/specialist)

And while all my friends were enjoying their 3-month vacations—I was working.

And I enjoyed it.

I got paid good & I got to spend all day with my pops!

…that’s good deal!

And I remember I was such a penny pincher.

I thought to myself, ‘I work SO HARD, why would I carelessly spend it?’

And rather than thinking, ‘Oh maybe I should INVEST my money’—

My mindset was, ‘Oh I need to SAVE my money’

And so I saved and I saved and I saved.

And now fast forward 15 years

That same scarcity mindset has now bled into my relationship with Bre.

Even to this day I struggle with it.

And why is this trait so bad?

Well going back to my story—

I remember not too long ago, Bre was fed up with me always saying things like,

“Oh no, that’s too much money.”

“Oh no, we can’t do this—we can’t do that.”

“We gotta save, baby!!”

Finally she spoke up & said, “DUDE LOOSEN UP. That’s so unattractive!”

Listen, my brother…

Women don’t like men who are all uptight all the time, trying to save money.

At the end of the day, it’s SIMPLE…

Girls just want to have fun.

Let me ask you—

When you think of a super attractive alpha male, do you think he’s always worried about the price?

Of course not.

Now look, I’m not saying to spend ALL your money on your girl.

You’ve got to be SMART.

There’s a balance.

You don’t want to be STUPID—

But you also don’t want to be STINGY.

For example:

Take 1 day out of the week & show your girl a good time.

Open up that wallet of yours & splurge a bit.

• Take her out to a nice restaurant.

• Hit up Starbucks.

• Take her to the movies.

• Get her the popcorn & the large drink.

Look bro, you know me.

You know I’m a pretty focused “straight & narrow” type of guy.

I’m always on a diet.

Always watching my macros.

Working out.

Working on my business.

Reinvesting my money.

And anything else outside of that usually get’s sidelined.

But whenever I’m being too tight & stingy

My wife always says to me, “Just stop & have a little fun!”

And when I do, she goes BANANAS! 🍌

And let me tell you…

The love-making I get to have that night is second-to-none.

Last note—

If you’re that stressed out about spending money.

Then that only means one thing:


Get a better job!

Start a side hustle!

Work over time if you have to!


If you feel like you are NOT ready yet—

Just hold off on dating all together.


3. Treat Her Like She’s Weaker Than You.

Want to know the quickest way to get canceled?

Repost what I just wrote right there. Lol

Now I can hear all the modern day feminists right now screaming, “WHAAATT?!?!?!”

We’re not weaker!”

…Well you’re NOT stronger. lol

Bible says, women are the weaker vessel.

And guess what?

Us men, we LOVE IT.


Because our innate desire as humans, is to take care of & tender to those who NEED us.

And if a woman wants to be EQUAL—

Then us men won’t feel like we’re NEEDED anymore.

Think about this…

What would happen if I treated my wife like she was ‘my bro’?

…I would lose that warm, gentle, king-like energy that she CRAVES.

But don’t get it twisted

I’m NOT saying we love WEAK women.

I’m saying we love a woman who can ADMIT that she NEEDS our STRENGTH.

Look, a woman who is truly feminine WANTS to feel weaker.

She’ll even PRETEND that she’s weaker if she has to. Lol

For example:

I have a friend & his girl is taller than him.

And in every photo she hunches beneath his arm to try to seem smaller than him. It’s hilarious.

Btw, bonus tip:

If you’re dating a girl that feels threatened every time you make a reference about you being bigger, stronger, faster

That’s a HUGE red flag.

And your life is going to SUCK.

I promise you.

You might be lying to yourself & thinking it’s no big deal.

You might be convincing yourself that you “love her” even when she goes bat sh*t crazy.

You might even be telling yourself, “It’s 2023 & gender roles are so outdated! 🌈 ”

If that sounds like you…

One day you’re going to look back at this newsletter & remember Dre Drexler told you so.


I’m not here to STOP you, I’m just here to WARN you.


4. Romance.

Woah, haven’t heard of that word in a long time!

Now I call this a ‘dark trait’ because it’s been hidden away in the shadows for way too long.

Men in 2023 have become as romantic as a door knob.

It’s wild—

Modern dating is completely CROOKED.

You got the red pill community who will SHAME a woman for sleeping around—

Yet consider it a big whopping ‘L’ if they don’t get into her pants by the end of the first date.

Culture on the other hand—

Is primarily focused on SEX as well.

They’ll encourage young people to gain dating XP by ‘Sleeping around & having lots of lovers!’



How do we navigate this COMPLEX world of dating?

Easy peasy…

Approach dating like the DAYS OF OLD.

Instead of trying to SEDUCE HER—


Instead of SLEEPING with her on the first date—

Approach her FATHER & ask for his PERMISSION to date.

You could say, “Ay I’m a bit old fashioned when it comes to this stuff. So before we start dating I’d love to talk to your father about us first. Is that cool?”

Too Many men are focused on the ART OF SEDUCTION—

When we need to get back to the ART OF ROMANCE.

What are some great ways to romance a woman?

Great question.

Here’s some quick ideas off the top of my head…

  1. Take her out for lunch & ask her what her favorite candy/snacks are. Once you’ve made a mental note, plan a picnic with her & make sure to get everything she mentioned.

  2. Leave her a short sweet note lying around. (e.g. ‘Can’t stop thinking of you!’)

  3. Send her a song that reminds you of her.

  4. Plan a date night but be MYSTERIOUS about it. Tell her to “wear something nice” & that’s it.

  5. Of course, as the relationship progresses you can be a little more risqué. As long as it doesn’t lead to sin. (e.g. Send her a text saying, “I can’t wait to see those beautiful nipples... *DIMPLES!!! …Sorry, stupid autocorrect!”

It so crazy…

I literally talked about this in my community the other day & someone said, 

“Approach her father & ask for his permission to date her? In 2023? Everyone will see that as weird and cringe!”

My brother, listen closely.

This is what MEN did for THOUSANDS of years.

What makes you think all the sudden it ain’t gonna work?

We PATIENTLY waited for a good girl & then when the time came—

We took the opportunity to PROVE ourselves worthy with good ol’ OG ROMANCE.

And if the girl you’re dating calls you CRINGE & leaves you—


You dodged a BULLET.


Most BAD women WANT you to sleep with them.


Because then they got you HOOKED.

A GOOD woman, yeah she’ll DESIRE to sleep with you—

But she will PRESERVE her PURITY instead.


3 Reasons…

1. Because she holds herself to a HIGHER standard.

2. She wants to see your TRUE intentions.

3. She acknowledges that she is FIRST a child of God & that her body is God’s property before it is YOURS. (1 Cor 6:19-20)

…This is the VIRTUOUS woman you are looking for.

And yes, she is EXTREMELY RARE but NOT EXTINCT either.

And once you have BOTH proven yourselves worthy & make a solemn vow before God to ALWAYS love one another—

Then you take it to the bedroom & let the floodgates of heaven UNLEASH. 🔥 👅  🍑   


Crush the modern concepts of dating & get back to TRADITION.

“Oh but Dre, there’s no traditional girls left!”


When you focus on TRADITION, the tradition girls will start to REVEAL themselves.

So follow Jesus.

Stay on your path.

And be patient for the RIGHT girl.

THIS pathway has NEVER failed us men.

Now listen to me, my brother…

This newsletter is just scratching the surface.