5 Ways To Make People CRAVE To Be Around You

Aug 24, 2023

Observe the men around you.

Most of them are unremarkable, & completely uninteresting.

It’s very rare to come across another man who isn’t hunched over staring at his phone or who is too awkward to make eye-contact with others.

But every once in awhile, there will be that 1 MAN who stands out from the crowd.

Who is absolutely PRESENT.

Whose his energy is radiant.

Who’s not only intriguing—But who’s also intrigued with others.

Who makes even the least of us feel important & valued.

He’s the man most men wish to be like.

He’s the man young people strive to be.

And he’s the man a Father & Mother DREAM their daughter of marrying.

People CRAVE to be in his presence & desire to be known by him.

So how can you become like him?

How do you develop yourself into a man that people ADORE & CRAVE to be around?


 Number 1. NEVER Cast Your Pearls Before Swine.

Let’s make this very clear…

Before you become a man that people crave to be around you must first understand this 1 thing.

Now I want you to imagine this.

Imagine you started a YouTube channel.

Let’s say you were a movie buff & you created your very first film review.

So you uploaded the video, you created a catchy title, & then you started typing in the tags.

But just before you do, you think to yourself, “how can I reach a wider audience?” 

So instead of sticking to movie-related tags, you decide to tag unrelated topics such as:




#World history



…Thinking to yourself, “My video is going to reach so many more people!”

But listen…

Even though your video may be exposed to a wider audience, do you really think these viewers will spend even a second watching your content?


And here’s where the lesson hits home…

You might have the BEST video in the world, but a viewer who’s uninterested in film will find absolutely no value in it.

So in the same manner, you, as a man, cannot immerse yourself in environments that find no value in you.

All you will be doing is casting your precious pearls upon swine.

And the second they get a taste, just like the pigs they’ll spit you out.

Look at Andrew Tate for instance…

Half the world appreciates him, while the other half demonizes him.

Half of the women look at him in complete ‘Awe’, while the other half Label him a ‘Misogynist”.

So be aware, be prepared & remember…

When you are truly a high-value individual, you'll attract both admiration & envy.

You will have people who adore you & people who despise you.

So having thick skin is crucial in this journey.

If your goal is to be liked by everyone—YOU will end up being the one who doesn’t like you.


Number 2. Emit Warmth

Warmth is single-handedly the most important trait to creating an alluring presence.

It makes even the toughest most intimidating looking man approachable & welcoming.

A man who exudes warmth has very infectious energy & it can easily spread like wildfire.

People crave to be around the man who’s WARM.


• Because he listens more than he speaks.

• He uplifts & encourages more than he boasts. 

• He highlights people’s strengths rather than their weaknesses

• He’s quick to forgive & slow to anger.

• He’s patient and kind. And he understands that most people grow by GRACE & not by SHAME.

When it comes down to it—His spirit is rooted in LOVE.

There is a reason why Jesus’s last words to his disciples were this, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so should you love one another.”

Nothing is more powerful than a man who is mighty, yet full of love & warmth. 

And Jesus was a perfect representation of this.

That’s why my prayer every day is, “Lord help me to become more like YOU & less like Me”

Can I be honest?

I feel like these last couple years, because I dove fully into the Red Pill Community, I forgot what it meant to be warm & full of love. 

Many Red Pill influencers focus so heavily on the message of grit and strength, which is great & very much needed in todays world—but even more important than that is love & warmth. 

We cannot forget this.

We cannot forget to love thy neighbor & pray for those who persecute us.

But don’t get it twisted.

Warmth is NOT a passive, spineless behavior.

There’s a balance between strength & warmth.

And as I continue to grow & evolve, I’m recognizing more and more how they can actually complement each other.


“There is a time to tear apart and a time to sew together.

A time to be silent and a time to speak.

A time to love and a time to hate.

A time for war and a time for peace.” 


Number 3. Forgive Yourself Of Your Past Sins. 

Many of us men carry the weight of self-hate & unforgiveness towards ourselves. 

And we live our entire lives in an emotional prison that darkens our light & reduces our warmth.

Listen brother…

You can’t love others if you can’t love yourself.

And when you rob yourself of this love, you are robbing the world from the best version of you.

So many men believe the lie that;

They don’t deserve to be forgiven.

They don’t deserve to smile again.

They don’t deserve to be free from their past & move forward to an amazing new life!

Listen my friend…

You cannot be your best most radiant self until you’ve forgiven yourself of your past sins.

There’s a scene in my favorite movie Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers…

When the king of Rohan fell into a deep depression after the death of his only son.

During this time, the king’s chief counsellor, Wormtongue, began to poison him by whispering evil words & thoughts into his ears.

The King eventually became possessed & he looked unrecognizable.

Finally, they banished Wormtongue & Gandalf broke the spell over the King & he became radiant once again.

So what can us men learn from this scene? 

Don’t allow your past sins to poison your mind like Wormtongue had done to the King. 

Don’t allow the evil words & reminders of your sin to destroy your warmth & radiance.

Be like the King & BANISH the Wormtongue that is trying to poison your mind. 

Forgive yourself of your sins, move forward into the plan God has for you,

And anytime Wormtongue tries to slither his way back into your mind—

Tell Him he is NOT allowed in your kingdom. And to FLEE & NEVER COME BACK!


Number 4. Have A Calm Presence 

Many men believe that the only way to be liked by people is to be exceptionally outgoing & possess an extreme sense of humor. 

But most of the time, when you force this kind of behavior, it comes off as obnoxious & insincere

Almost as if you are trying to sell something.

 And nobody likes a salesman.

So the very best thing you can do as a man, is lean back & relax into yourself.

Don’t try to be something you are NOT.

Breathe in from your nuts. 🥜  

Keep your tone relaxed & your energy calm.

But listen… 

Being calm doesn’t mean being emotionless

It means getting rid of the ‘over the top’ or insincere behaviors.

Remember, simplicity is key.

If you feel like you have nothing to say—don’t say it.

Embracing silence & giving someone a gentle smile can be just as powerful.


Number 5. Drop Your Ego.

Nobody likes a man who puts himself on a pedestal.

Proverbs 16:18 says, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

Nothing is more powerful than a mighty man with a humble presence.

Who can admit & apologize when he is wrong.

The problem is most men have a very difficult time apologizing & admitting their unjust behavior because it feels cringy or makes them feel inferior.

But DO NOT believe this lie my brother.

Remember, it was PRIDE that turned the angels into demons.

So the more humble & human you are—the more people will be able to connect with you & look to you as a role-model.


Ready to Transform your life in the next 21 days?

Click the link below & join my 21-Day [WakeUp,ŌSleeper] Challenge right now.

If you can commit yourself to this challenge for the next 3 weeks, I believe your life will truly begin to take shape.

You’ll become the man you were destined to be & you’ll begin to unleash exponential momentum in your life…

You ready, my brother?

Click HERE To Begin Your 21-Day Challenge.