3 Steps To Make Any Man A Savage

Jul 09, 2023

Every man wants to be great at something, but very few dare to do the necessary work that greatness demands.

Listen my brother…

If you want to level up & unleash your inner SAVAGE, the very first thing you must do is:


NUMBER #1 — Implement the ‘Death Ground Strategy’.

The ‘Death Ground Strategy’ is a concept derived from Sun Tzu's "The Art of War."

What this means is, leaving no room for retreat, and putting everything on the line to achieve a desired outcome.

It’s one thing to WANT success. It’s another thing to actually NEED it because you’ve put everything on the line.

Like vikings who would literally burn their boats as they approached new land—Signifying that there is absolutely no going back.

They are only focused on the mission & what’s ahead of them.

However unlike the Middle Ages, the world we live in today has programmed us to stay COMPLACENT.

And to refrain from anything that could cause us a little discomfort.

We live in a time of ABUNDANCE—Everything we need, at the click of a button.

And if anything opposes our idea of abundance or if we ever become a little uncomfortable or frustrated—We automatically think something is wrong!

It’s pathetic.

We think to ourselves thoughts like;

“If I’m not living my best most comfortable life—well then I must be doing something wrong!”

But what most men don’t realize is this…

It’s only in the moments of hardship, when you’re cornered & your back is up against a wall that you’ll do WHATEVER IT TAKES TO WIN.

Listen, to get your desired outcome you can’t just WANT IT. You have to NEED IT.

There’s an old story about a student who asked his master, “what is the secret to success?”

And the master replied, “meet me near the river tomorrow morning.”

The next day they met up & the master asked the student to walk with him toward the river.

When the water got up to their necks, the master grabbed his student & held him under water. And as the student struggled trying to break free of his masters grip, the master continued to overpower him & hold him down.

Until finally, after a few moments, just before the student was about to pass out.

The master released his grip.

And as the student gasped for air he looked towards his master in absolute terror & confusion asking him, “Master? Why did you try to drown me?”

The master looked at the student right in his eyes & asked him, “What did you want the most when you were under water?”

The student replied with a simple 1 word answer, “Air!”

The master then said, “When you want success as badly as you want air, that’s when you will get it. That’s the secret to success.”


Number #2 — Do more. Consume Less.

Jim Kwik once said, “The Brain Doesn’t learn through consumption, it learns through creation.”

What does this mean for you?

It means this…

Even though consuming self-improvement content such as books, videos, & social media can be useful—A man will always have the most growth through active engagement & participation.

In other words—When he steps away from the books and devices and steps into the real word instead.

Allowing himself to learn from his own experiences & failures.

So many of us are solely focused on ‘the next best piece of life changing advice!’ or watching ‘the next best motivational video!’

And we neglect the power of stepping out & just…




Learning a good lesson the hard way.

Don’t get me wrong, consuming self-improvement content is perfectly fine. But don’t forget to live your life as well.

These days, so many of us are always looking for a shortcut or a hack or a new nugget of information—Doing whatever we can to skip past the trials and tribulations.

But the trails and tribulations are the only things that actually BUILD US AS MEN.

It’s like the annoying kid at school who’s always trying to skip to the front of the lunch line…



The only problem with always consuming self-improvement content is, yeah it’ll work.

Yeah you’ll get to the finish line quicker.

But then you gotta ask yourself—‘How long will this success actually last?’

‘Am I truly transforming as a man? Or am I just taking what some GURU online said and copying and pasting it to my life?’

Listen, my brother…

Even all the advice us influencers give. Yeah sure, most of it is all solid information. 

But there might be a day where you come back and say to yourself, ‘That piece of advice Dre once said, yeah that didn’t work for me. I did this, this & that instead—And I got even better results!’

And that’s AWESOME.


Because now you’re becoming your OWN MAN.

And you’re getting results based off of your OWN EXPERIENCE.

And that’s the defining factor that will separate you as a man.

All in all. There’s a balance to learning.

Yes, use the tools that Authors, YouTubers, & your Mentors give you—But once you’ve finished consuming everything they’ve told you…


Go out & TRY IT.

See what works & what doesn’t.

Don’t be afraid to fall face flat.

To get a bloody nose (metaphorically…?). 

Know what it is to struggle! Don’t shy away from it.

Understand what some pain feels like.

Remember, failure & hardship will always be your greatest teacher.

This is how you build yourself & become a true savage.

Alex Harmozi said, “If you could build your own human—What would you put them through to make them tough? You probably wouldn’t give them a real chill easy life. Right?”

Think about this…

What would you put your human through to make them more courageous?

I’m sure you wouldn’t make them feel comfortable all the time.

No, you’d probably push them to face their fears!

I believe this is the way God works.

People always sit around asking God, ‘Oh God, make me powerful! Make my name great!’

But the second they face a big whopping failure—“Oh God Why!?!! Why me?!?! See I knew it, I knew God doesn’t exist! Because if He did, He wouldn’t have let me go through this!”

Listen brother…

The next time you ask God to make your name great, really think about what you are asking Him to do.

Greatness is born EXCLUSIVELY through adversity.

Nothing else breeds greatness but trails & hardship.

Think about it…

You literally cannot be great unless you’ve had a comeback.

Unless you’ve faced defeat & climbed ALL THE WAY back to the top.

That is the only way people will ever see you as GREAT.

And as an addition, now you’ll be well-equipped to maintain your greatness because you knew what it took to get there. You knew what kinda pain & hardship that greatness demands.


Number #3 - Outside Perspective.

A man needs constant feedback. 

He needs a different outlook & evaluation on his performance at all times.

This is what creates GENUINE improvement.

The problem is that this goes against every mans innate desire.

Be honest with yourself—Deep down, you don’t like criticism. You don’t like negative feedback.

Even if it is constructive!

Lol, I say it all the time to my friends & dudes who work for me—“Ah yeah bro, let me know what I should fix, or what I’m lacking, or what I could do better! I love constructive criticism bro!”

…No I don’t.

I just tolerate it, because I know I need it.

In all honesty, my natural desire is for everyone to love everything I do & see no mistakes or things I need to improve on. But that would do nothing but hold me back from reaching my true potential!

When you limit your perspective, you limit your growth.

Someone else might see something you don’t.

For instance, think of a bird right now.

Now what bird came to your mind?

For some of you reading this, it may be a hummingbird.

For some of you an eagle or a parrot.

Maybe a pigeon?

And that’s my point… Everyone holds a different image.

Everyone has their own perspective.

And to have more perspective & more input on your work, this is what will give you a leg up on your competition.

But the reality is…

Most of us fail to do this because we ATTACH our IDENTITY to our WORK.

And if people criticize our work, we look at it as someone criticizing our identity.

This can be extremely dangerous.

So what must you do?

You have to disconnect your work from your identity.

Remember brother…

Whether you face major success or major failure—Either way, YOU ARE GREAT.

And you have ample greatness within you.

You just need to first recognize it.

Harness it.

Nurture it.

And continue to do the necessary work to BUILD IT.

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