3 Skills To Make ANY Man DANGEROUS

Jun 18, 2023

You have everything you need to create a better life.

Read that again…

YOU. HAVE. EVERY. D*MN—You get it.

The problem is, most of us are not even aware of this.

And we’ve become so accustomed to looking at what we DON’T have, that we overlook what we DO have.

My brother, we can never conform to this low level of thinking.

Let me ask you a question, what does your ideal life look like 1 year from now?

How about 5 years from now?

Whatever you’ve envisioned—if you aren’t working toward your ideal future, you are working toward someone else’s.

Listen, if you want to improve the quality of your overall life, here are 3 things you must master:

NUMBER #1 - Master the art of “RESOURCEFULNESS”

I remember when I was a child, I was always very resourceful.

There was a time when I was around 8 years old, my dad passed me down his collection of basketball cards.

I remember thinking this was the coolest thing ever & I wanted to add to the collection.

However at this time, my parents were just restarting their lives after filing bankruptcy so we didn’t have extra cash to blow.

So what did I do? I brought out my crayons. I took out some sheets of paper. And I started cutting out & creating my own basketball cards.

I would go on the internet, print out pictures & glue them to the paper. I would write out the stats of each player. And on some of them I would even grab foil from the kitchen down stairs and glue on pieces of the foil to make the card a ‘special edition’ holographic.

Truth be told, my homemade cards were actually my favorite ones.

And eventually I even made cards of myself as a player. (CRINGE AF)

See, at that time, I was playing basketball in a city league. And I would jot down my stats, my overall ratings, & I would even sign it to give it more value.

And I remember at this particular time in my life, it was my first year playing basketball, so I wasn’t that good.

I think by the end of the season I was averaging 4 points per game.

So on my card I wrote that down…

‘Dre averages 4 points per game. But…’

I wrote next to it, ‘…But by this time next year I’ll be averaging above 10!’

And guess what? That I did.

That next year I think I was getting around 12-14 points a game.

Anyways, long story short—As I got older I applied this same resourcefulness to everything I did in my life.

My mom Always told me, “Faith it till you make it”—& that’s exactly what I did when I created those basketball cards.

I took what I had & I stepped out in faith.

It’s like the story of the child with 5 loaves of bread & 2 fish.

He brought to Jesus what he had & it was multiplied to feed the 5,000.

Moral of the story—A person who continues to focus on what he does NOT have will never experience God’s multiplication in his life.

As I got older my parents started to make a lot more money.

Eventually they joined a multi-level marketing company & grew it substantially!

Allowing us to live a very abundant lifestyle. 

Though it was a great time, it was short lived.

All the money they made slipped through their fingers like water & everything they had built was pulled out from underneath them.

Long story short, the CEO of the company took all my parents business that they had built up & gave it to someone else.

So overnight their business was pulled out from under them & they lost everything.

Though it was a horrible time in our lives—it was the best thing for me personally.

All the sudden I couldn’t rely on mommy and daddy’s money anymore.

My back was against a wall & I had to immediately make something of myself.

By God’s grace, this is when I was introduced to YouTube which became a porthole for me to not only make something of myself but to also become useful to the world.

Which leads me to number 2…


NUMBER #2 - Become Useful.

In other words, live with purpose.

Become a ‘North Star’ for people & light them up!

This is the most important step in creating the life you want.

Without purpose, your life won’t even begin to take off.

You need to take people on a journey. You need to get them from point A to point B.

But listen carefully.

When it comes to being useful—There is a trap you must avoid at all costs!

As you know, we live in a time where we’re only 1 click away from seeing how someone is living out their purpose.

We’re a single swipe away from comparing our purpose to someone else’s purpose.

This is dangerous because when you compare—you create a standard for your life that doesn’t align with what God has planned for you.

…Ask me how I know. (eek)

So the best thing you & I can do is embrace our purpose, not someone else’s.


It’s like this computer you’re reading this newsletter on.

What’s the purpose of the computer?

To retrieve the thoughts I type into it & then forward it to you to read.



Now how come I didn’t use the water bottle sitting next to me to write this email?

Well it’s quite simple. Because that’s not what a water bottle is for.

A water bottle is used for 1 thing. To drink water. (Unless I’m on a long road trip & there’s no rest stop for another 50 miles)

Now imagine how disappointed this water bottle would be if it attached it’s purpose to creating newsletters.

(Or better yet, imagine how disappointed I would be if I was stranded in the middle of the desert & I opened up the bottle to nothing but pee-pee in it. YUCK!) - my bad, stupid joke.


The purpose of the bottle is to hydrate me.

To quench my thirst.

To literally keep me alive by providing me with water.

It is used as a vessel to keep me going.

See where I’m going with this?

When you attach yourself to YOUR purpose & not someone else’s—God will literally use YOU as a vessel to keep others going.

“To create the life you want, you first have to help others create the life THEY want.”

The sad reality is modern society has stripped us of our ability to become purposeful. They’ve got us so focused on SELF.

Think about it…

The American dream has become hedonism. How to get more pleasure. How to live a more extravagant life.

We’re sold on the idea of—go out and GET the life you want. Go out and GET more women, GET more money. Get more success. Go out & GET GET GET. Never—go out and GIVE.


NUMBER #3 - You have to ZOOM OUT.

We recently had a young man in his 20’s in the discord server who expressed his feelings saying, “My life is over. I’m still not successful & My girl just dumped me. I’m lost & feel like giving up.”

My word of encouragement to him was a simple, “Just calm down. Everything is going to be okay.”

You have to remember—When a man is in his early 20’s, he is literally nothing. 

It’s just the way it is.

What you have to do is ZOOM OUT. Look at the long game & have patience.

It’s equivalent to looking at a stock.

When you look at the last week, you’ll see all these ups & downs on the graph.

But when you ZOOM OUT & look at the last 5 years, you see a steady climb.

So as a young man, you must realize—You got time.

Don’t be in a rush.

Don’t grumble. Don’t whine. 

Stop thinking thoughts like;

“Why am I not happy?”, “Why am I not where I should be?”.


First of all—Life doesn’t care if you are happy or not.

So there’s no use in voicing it. The negativity will just continue to break you down.

Second of all—Life is long.

I know they say ‘life is short’, but it’s really not.

So take the pressure off.

It’s sad, society has us so in tune with our feelings.

Influencers got you thinking, ‘If you just build up your empire, all your problems will be solved!’

So what do we do? We starting looking online for shortcuts, hacks.

Think about it…

Why is it that all the blogs & YouTube videos with the keywords ‘Quick’, ‘Fast’, & ‘Easy’ in the title—always perform best?

For example:

‘6 SIMPLE Tricks To Make Her Obsessed With You’


‘5 QUICK & EASY Hacks To Transform Your Life!’

It’s simple, we’ve been programmed to want everything NOW.

And as a result this is why men are struggling so bad is because they think success should come quick.

“Your patience will transform when you realize that taking shortcuts is the longer route.” -Dan Koe.

What does this mean?

It means, taking the longer & more strenuous route—that is the shortcut!

And so the best thing you & I can do right now— is be aware of that.

Be aware that you got time.

Be aware that the only shortcut is taking the longer route.

So at, take a a deep breath. Take the stress off. And LET GO.

Yes, work hard. Yes, keep pushing. But remember, you got a whole life ahead of you, my brother.

Life is long.

So enjoy the ride.

Be patient.

Enjoy the curves balls, because all of it is apart of the journey.

Become good at something. Don’t be afraid of the ups & downs of—learning, developing, failing, progressing, failing again, progressing at something else, etc.

Because when you ZOOM OUT. You’ll then see, “oh wow, it’s a steady incline!”

Hope this blog gave you some value, brother.

Thanks for reading. 🙏


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