4 DEGENERATE Habits Men Should NEVER Accept

Aug 13, 2023

Degeneracy is a DISEASE.

And every single day that goes by, we become more and more desensitized to it.

Every day we become more acclimated to sin & we normalize the very things we once condemned!

I want you to think about this…

Think about our world currently.

Think about how the way women dress today, is the same way hookers dressed 10 years ago.

Think about the promiscuous music videos that a 7 year old child can view on YouTube at the click of a button.

Think about how we’ve been told viewing porn on the internet is natural’ & we should allow children to view it in schools for “educational purposes.”

Last week, I stumbled upon a jaw-dropping scene that left me in utter dismay.

There, right before my eyes, was a man casually offering his wife to another man!


It got me thinking about the wild twists and turns our society has taken in the name of "progress" and "liberation."

It’s wild…

They will label a man like me ‘misogynist’, yet praise the man who passes his wife around like a piece of meat.

Today I’m going to discuss 4 Degenerate habits, that us men should NEVER accept.

Pay close attention, because what I'm about to share deserves your keenest awareness.

You see, there's a high chance that you might unknowingly be engaging in these very actions at this very moment.


NUMBER 1. Using Your Youth To ‘Live It Up!’ 

In these modern times, an alarming number of young souls have been ensnared by a dangerous falsehood—That youth grants them the license to be wild and indulgent, to rebel in promiscuity, drugs, and recklessness.

They've been misled into thinking that they must experience it all now to cleanse their system of their fantasies & desires.

It is truly astounding—How STUPID you must be to believe this!

Although, I can’t point no fingers because I used to believe this very concept myself! (what a dumb a**)

The belief that one is merely ‘getting it out of their system’, but in reality they're slipping even deeper into the clutches of their addiction and self-destructive behaviors.

In other words…

This entire time you thought you were getting it OUT of your system…

But in reality you were getting it more IN to your system.

And rather than it LEAVING you, it's INFECTED you.

And now it’s become apart of your identity & your way of life.

As a result, you’ve become so callused & so blind, that you see no problems with your behavior.

And you think to yourself, at some point you will have ‘had enough’ & that one day you will be satisfied, ready to ‘be the man you were always destined to be!’

But nah, sorry bro…

It don’t work like that.

Listen to my words brother.

Because I'm about to share some hard-earned wisdom with you.

You see, being the man I am today didn't happen overnight.

It took relentless preparation to become the husband and businessman I am now.

So for any man who think's he can spend his entire 20’s ‘livin’ it up’, and then just flip a switch & become high-value, you are DELUSIONAL.

The men who you see in broken marriages today, the men who you see who are all alone, who don’t have a good relationship with their kids, who clock in everyday to a job they hate

These are the SAME MEN that spent their entire youth being indulgent & ‘livin’ it up!’

Remember, your 20’s are the years when you will be your MOST energetic, MOST adventurous, & MOST resilient!

So don't waste this precious opportunity to build yourself.


NUMBER 2. Chasing Peace.

A wise man named MUSA once said, "I don't need to live peacefully until my loved ones live peacefully”. 

Many young men these days are like little flowers.

Because of all the glamor & glitz they see on social media, peace & prosperity has become their TOP PRIORITY.

And the problem with that is…

The second they face adversity, their mind is programmed to run in the opposite direction & find something that quickly heals the pain

Much like video games, porn, alcohol, & women, etc.

Listen my brother…

A man must EARN his peace.

Wanting inner peace without earning it is the most selfish thing a man can do.


Because prioritizing peace & comfort produces a weak man.

And a weak man produces a weak family.

And when a family is weak, they have no values.

Then, fast forward 20 years later…

When his marriage is in pieces,

his wife is unhappy

& his children went 'WOKE’

His son has a vagina

And his precious little girl is ‘livin’ it up’ like her dad did & getting gang-banged by 5 dudes at one time…

He will be a lonely defeated man with a broken empire.

And his family will resent him.

So remember, PEACE comes from PROGRESS.


Which means…

You can’t achieve PEACE without STRUGGLE.


NUMBER 3. Blindly Embracing Culture.

My biggest advice to you would be to be extremely cautious in who you choose to give your attention to.

Even your favorite rappers, your favorite actors, reality stars—most of them are complete boneheads, bro.

And when you tune in, when you listen to their music, when you inject their thoughts into your head—it’s a form of sorcery that desensitizes you.

You can scoff at the notion, dismissing it as mere craziness or insanity.

But the truth lies before us, hidden in plain sight.

There is a demonic spirit attached to this degenerate media.

Perhaps you've noticed how these media outlets use their platform to promote various social movements like LGBTQ rights & Black Lives Matter?

I too, found myself drawn into the fervor of the BLM movement—Believing that my monthly donations were making a positive impact!

Sadly, this was not the case.

Little did I know that my hard-earned money was being directed into the hands of the same people who were later charged with appalling crimes like Human-Trafficking and Prostitution—as well as funding Transgender Districts.

So here's the crucial lesson: AWARENESS is the antidote.

Let us be vigilant in our quest for authentic information!

It's time to lift the veil of deception and empower ourselves with truth, knowledge, and wisdom.


NUMBER 4. ”Test drive the car before you buy it!”

…How many times have we heard this ridiculous phrase?

In other words…

“Sleep with 100 different people & then when it comes down to deciding who you want to be life-long partners with, choose the person you had the most wildest sexual night with!”

…This is complete ASININE.

Quick story…

When Bre & I were first engaged, I remember people always telling us that we were ‘too young’ to get married.

They insisted that we shouldn’t rush into marriage, but instead, that we should explore & sleep with other people.

This why we could compare our sexual experiences to evaluate who would actually be the best partner.

We immediately rejected their stupid degenerate advice.

And it’s ironic

Most of these same people are now either divorced, still single, or in a loveless emotionally detached marriage.

But I think the reason why these people were saying we were ‘too young’, was simply because they look at marriage as the END of an adventure…

While I have always looked at it as the very BEGINNING.

Ready to Transform your life in the next 21 days?



Click the link below & join my 21-Day [WakeUp,ŌSleeper] Challenge right now. 

*If you can commit yourself to this challenge for the next 3 weeks, I believe your life will truly begin to take shape.

You’ll become the man you were destined to be & you’ll begin to unleash exponential momentum in your life!

You ready, my brother?

Click the link below…

Click HERE To Begin Your 21-Day Challenge.